after yesterdays repair day (i dont do rest days) im fired up and - TopicsExpress


after yesterdays repair day (i dont do rest days) im fired up and ready to attack the next stage of training. 1 hour powerwalk followed by 1 hour mountain climb on a bike (whilst doing a conference call BTW) followed by this circuit>>> Exercise Name Leg Press – Rear Thigh Emphasis substitutemore % Load / Weight Sets Reps Set Rest 65% 2 15 1-2 Grasp a dumbbell with each hand. Hold the dumbbells at the sides of your body with your arms fully extended, your palms facing your torso. Full details & Video Front Lat Pulldown (machine) substitutemore % Load / Weight Sets Reps Set Rest 65% 2 15 2 Stand in front of the lat pulldown machine and grasp the bar with an overhand wide grip. Sit down with your feet flat on the floor, your back straight and your thighs secured underneath the thigh pads. Fully extend your arms, holding the bar overhead. Arch your torso and lean backward at a 45-degree angle. Slightly tilt your neck upwards so that the bar is in line with your chin and is placed directly over your sternum (upper chest). Full details & Video Seated One-Arm Triceps Extension (dumbbell) substitutemore % Load / Weight Sets Reps Set Rest 65% 2 15 1-2 Sit on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor. Grasp the dumbbell in one hand with an over hand grip (palm facing forward). Extend your arm fully and hold the dumbbell over your head. Full details & Video Sit-up substitutemore % Load / Weight Sets Reps Set Rest Bodyweight 2 15 1 Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms in front of your chest and place each hand on the opposite shoulder. Full details & Video Seated Front Shoulder Press (dumbbells) substitutemore % Load / Weight Sets Reps Set Rest 65% 2 15 1 Grasp a dumbbell in each hand, using an overhand grip, and sit down on an upright bench. Lift the dumbbells to shoulder level. Rotate your palms so they are facing forward. Full details & Video Bench Press (barbell) substitutemore % Load / Weight Sets Reps Set Rest 65% 2 15 2 Lie down on the flat bench with your back pressed firmly against the padding and with your feet placed flat on the floor. Grasp the bar using an overhand grip with hands approximately 3 to 5 inches wider than shoulder width apart and lift the bar from the hooks. Fully extend your arms as you hold the bar over the chest area. Do not lock your elbows. Full details & Video Back Extension substitutemore % Load / Weight Sets Reps Set Rest Bodyweight 2 12-15 1-2 Lie flat on your stomach with your forehead to the floor and arms extended out in front of you with your palms pointed down. Your legs are together and extended straight-out behind you. Full details & Video Medicine Ball Squat and Press substitutemore % Load / Weight Sets Reps Set Rest Bodyweight 2 8-10 1-2 Crouch down and place your hands on the floor in front of your feet. Full details & Video
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 14:18:57 +0000

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