after you thank your tea party friends for begging for smaller - TopicsExpress


after you thank your tea party friends for begging for smaller government and refusing federal aid, the money has to come from somewhere, use these tips to help avoid paying speeding tickets. has anyone else noticed all the cops on I40? these are the ones i find most practical... 5. Fight every ticket. In court, attacks on the legality of a speed-limit sign have been known to work. Attacks on the chain of evidence have worked too. In the Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts case of 2009, the Supreme Court ruled that the sixth amendment right to face ones accuser applies to lab tests. In California, courts have interpreted this to mean that photo tickets are not valid unless the technician who analyzed the photo testifies in court. 6. Now were getting into serious ticket-fighting territory. Check for the technical calibration of radar, Diamond says. Usually radar evidence is admissible, presuming calibration. But in some states, any laser ticket is thrown out automatically because there is no calibration possible. To do this, check the manufacturer specifications for the device via a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act ) request to the police department that issued the ticket. Ask for a description of how the police department abided by the calibration specs, which usually involves checking a radar guns frequency with a tuning fork provided by the radar gun manufacturer and sending the unit to the manufacturer to be recalibrated. Its worth investing the time to get your ticket overturned. Ive done it myself in Virginia. First thing to do is pull up the vehicle code. 7. Check the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which you can find here, Diamond says. If the speed-limit signs arent up to code, you can beat the ticket on a technicality. Even the font of the sign is specified, he says. And many places hide [speed] cameras behind signs and bushes. Theres even one behind the welcome to d.c. sign. 8. The judge is not there to find you not guilty. The judge is part of the revenue-collection machine. Give him a reason to find you not guilty, Diamond says. The best way to do this is to record the conversation you have with the ticketing officer. If there is a contradiction between the recording and the officers written report, Diamond says, his credibility is shot. Just be sure to check your state laws before you do this. For example, Maryland does not allow you to record with a cellphone, Diamond says. There have been arrests in Massachusetts and Illinois as well for recording conversations with police, although the trend is for courts to dismiss these instances. Get all the data you can. Ask the officer where he was when he first stopped you, and how long he paced you. Then, Diamond says, photograph the speed-limit sign where you were stopped, the location where you first saw the officer, and the location where the officer says he first saw you. Pacing is one of the top methods used for tickets, but in Pennsylvania the officer needs to have followed you for 0.3 mile to use pacing, he says. Often they dont pace that far. They get sloppy a lot because they can. asking a lot of questions will usually threaten the officers authoritie, south park reference, and will probably get you a ticket. my advice, save that for court. as well, asking too many questions will tip the officer to your strategy for the hearing and give him/her a chance to get their lie together. i hate cops. to the max!! reference to the decline of western civilization.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 21:27:25 +0000

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