alc c--Mental derangement after loss of money Steals - TopicsExpress


alc c--Mental derangement after loss of money Steals money Whistling in larynx, after lying down, Loss of breath Thickness and elevation of right side abdomen obstruction of flatus headache with sinking strength Deficient circulation coldness of single parts limb Cyanosis with difficulty of breathing, sleeplessness from overactivity of mind, disagreeable idea heart palpitations from slightest exercise faint ALBUMINURIA FOLLOWING ERUPTIVE DISEASES, variola fatty degeneration of heart enlargement or induration of liver and spleen. palpitation of heart after dinner meal night anxious dread have organic disease of heart Stitches in the heart, which prevent breathing epilepsy Palpitation of heart before attack pain left shoulder down along arm and towards heart increased renal elimination strain in lifting, the spine pains in renal pain attending the passage of biliary renal calculi kidneys and loins, pain on taking drive Acidity of digestive tract soutr activities revolve around assimilating food and digesting it. weakness of digestion. inclination to weep lack of cheerfulness, with heaviness of lower limbs vertigo when going up stairs sleepy all day
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 15:50:24 +0000

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