aliens they were,aliens they - TopicsExpress


aliens they were,aliens they are ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ in an awkward position they are from last 67 years in general and 25 years in particular. Yes I am talking of Indian forces in Kashmir. Neither they got mixed with us from last 67 years nor they were/are looking even closer to local kashmiri (by appearance). Today Indian army is spread in Kashmir like mosquitoes in autumn, they are found everywhere in Kashmir but they are seen by common masses as the looters of their peace- peace of mind. In all those years of suppression of Indian forces on Kashmir, Indian media was at the support of Indian forces like a unshakeable pillar. They were killing kashmiries, burning towns, raping kashmiri daughters, looting our green gold and Indian media was sponsoring them for what they never did. Majority of men in Indian forces had nothing to loose when they joined india army, they generally were the people who were very poor or illiterate or jobless or small criminals and now what they were seeing was beyond their wild imagination- *he (Indian army men) got a somewhat close to average salary. *he saw a roof over his head. *he now got a latrine and now he don’t have to shit in open space anymore (70% Indians shit in open). *he now was living in a place which he had only saw in his dreams or in bollywood movies. *he now perhaps bathed daily that too from a water which was of superior quality and off course without any smell and he now also has got dark colored uniform as now his dirtiness won’t get exposed- thanks to the “dark colour” of Indian army uniform. *all the malnutrition deficiencies he earlier was facing now that was the part of history. AND if all this was less he got Indian media who will propagate him to the dumb Indian viewers as the her0 of nation; that hero who is defending the borders of his nation. (note: this writer is very polite person always tries his best not to hurt anybody even if that mean hiding the truth. But above note is in retaliation of myth that Indian media is spreading that Indian army helped recent devastating flood hit Kashmir)
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 05:05:48 +0000

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