all day my back nagged me :( it hurts so bad i had to lay down - TopicsExpress


all day my back nagged me :( it hurts so bad i had to lay down most of the day. I tried standing on my good/still bad ankle and it only tolerated that for a short amount of time :( i did a few dishes and man did my arms hurt and the middle of my back just burns and stings all day with muscle spasms to top it off with. I wanna get this carpol surgry going but im disabled enough as it is right now. I go to the foot doc wed im gonna ask him wth is going on? I mean we were supost to fix my right ankle by now but with the left ankles surgery mess up im just sittin and wondering.? Lately my left hand and arm hurt so bad that posting and playing xbox is getting really hard. GRRRRrrrr dam you disabilties im watchin Avatar insteed of KILLING ZOMBIES :( boooooo for me
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 06:33:22 +0000

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