all rightie. been thinking on. got some answers which feel - TopicsExpress


all rightie. been thinking on. got some answers which feel connected. that is theyre correct. 1. we are looking at other realities. they come and go. about the only thing that can get through from them to us is lightrays. 2. whats causing it is in two parts. a. the overuse of time travel and/or tesla energys [i mean huge voltages] has crunched up our near space so its acting like a lens. occasionally someone looks up and photographs it. so a white star with an accompanying gas giant on the verge of nuclear ignition is there but then again no its isnt. the other three or two stars immediately behind sol is an example of the same phenomena. they exist. theyre real. but not here somewhere else. same goes for suddenly appearing and then disappearing gas giants and enormeous strange ships/asteroids. ditto the antartics double sunrise which happens fairly often down at the antarctic and yet has never been seen anywhere else. 2. we are definitely moving. we appear to be being protected somehow. yet the vulcanism and seismic shocks tell me the core is expanding and something IN our reality and in our time has to be causing it. obviously a planet at least or maybe a star. personally i think its nibiru. which according to enki approaches between neptune and pluto though of course everythings turning so its not much to go on. well whichever it is that will come on and be with us soon. but the rest being views of other realities will have no effect and after a bit should just disappear. 3. yet it is all passing strange. we all see the photos. we all see the clips. most have read enkis account. why is all this happening together right now? its an absolute zoo of weird effects. which leads me to my 4 answer. the indian sages [from the upanishads, the teachings of buddha, advaita philosophers and various moderns such as david icke all tell us in different ways that we are living in a hologram. i just never thought of it in astronomical terms. but if we posit that then yes everything fits and becomes okay. except of course we dont know what the programmer is doing or who put it there or why. anyway thats what half that stuff out in space is. as we are being taken out in some way like so many kittens in a box we are seeing a few spectacular sights on the way. i hope we are not being taken to the vets. but then ...we are now a very sick species. so perhaps its for the best.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 12:59:42 +0000

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