all this controvercy about the fergueson case, i just read an - TopicsExpress


all this controvercy about the fergueson case, i just read an article saying the point is not whether or not he was a good kid, the point is he was a human being and a life is a precious thing to waste. period end of story. before you are so quick to judge the people for reacting, try to take into consideration the history of that area and educate yourselves on the struggles that have existed way before this event. i am white so i have no idea what these folks are going through, but i do know what it feels like to not have a voice, to feel like you are sinking between the cracks and nobody cares. when you feel like that you do desperate things. its like hell noone cares anyway so lets say f you to the establishment. how they do it is not the issue, the reason behind it is the issue. i do not wish to open myself up to a bunch of hate comments, i do not care if you dont agree. i have alredy deleated plenty of haters so please, if this offends you, by all means show me your ugly, show me your darkness, so that i can get rid of you as well. like i said , i realize the media only shows us what they want us to see, so i dont really know who is right and who is wrong. but from the way i have been treated by my government, my money is on the people of fergueson.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 23:50:46 +0000

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