all this uproar about the "Stand Your Ground Law" is getting - TopicsExpress


all this uproar about the "Stand Your Ground Law" is getting ridiculous. Seriously i want each and every one of you to think about it this way. What happens if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night? yea go ahead and call the police they take forever to get there a pizza delivery man would get there faster by the time the police got there your sorry ass and your family would be either 1) dead or 2) tied up, or raped and half your shit missing. Thats alot of pain to endure. Im sorry but if someone is breaking into my house, whoever it is must have not read the warning sign beside the door "Nothing In This House Is Worth Your Life." Because im blasting there ass and im aiming for the head. Without this stand your ground law if you did such a thing your going to jail for the rest of your life or at least for a good while. If your not already dead, raped, or maimed from whoever broke into your house. So pretty much your relying and putting all your faith into the police getting there as fast as possible. SERIOUSLY I DO NOT THINK SO. Here is another cenerio and this one is for the ladies: Say your walking to your car late at night in a what you think is a empty parking lot. Its super dark and as your walking to your car you see a small group of men they start walking towards you. You get scared and start running to your car but they beat you there as your opening the door. They mean you harm they try to beat you and rape you but you have a knife or a gun. Stand your ground law comes into effect. Your in fear for your life so either you shoot them or you start slashing them. Say you kill 2 of them and the other runs away and you call the cops. Your safe and your not going to end up in jail for killing these 2 people. But without the stand your ground law if you so happened to kill or maim these said people i guess your suppose to just wet yourself to make yourself look unattractive and get beat to death, raped and killed. Go figure. So before anyone else decides to say anything more about this law just because a jury found Zimmerman innocent because of stand your ground and a bunch of people are pissed about it just remember this, this law may save your ass one day and without it in certain situations, the outcome may not be in your favor.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 22:42:48 +0000

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