already on the second page and this is one of the best articles - TopicsExpress


already on the second page and this is one of the best articles Ive ever read... “When we enquire what considerations motivated Socrates to advance this position [making physiologia ethically useful], however, we find our ancient sources remarkably reticent. The obvious place to look, Socrates’ “intellectual autobiography” in Plato’s Phaedo (96a-99d), offers an account of the difficulties in the pre-Socratic approach to causation that led Socrates to adopt the method of hypothesis in his “second sailing,” but does not explain why Socrates’ conversion entailed the instrumentality of natural philosophy to human happiness.” - in ft. 6, “In his portrayal of Socrates intellectual biography Plato separates his account in the Phaedo of the considerations that led Socrates to reject pre-Socratic physiologia from his account in the Apology of Socrates’ attempted elenchus of the Delphic oracle, to which he traces his preoccupation with ethical questions. Plato nowhere indicates how to connect these two episodes in Socrates’ philosophical development and thus does not provide explicit support for the traditional interpretation (deriving from Xenophon memorabilia 1.1.11-16), which sees in the motivation of Socratse’ disaowal of physiologia the source of his mature preoccupation with ethics
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:58:21 +0000

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