alrighty then.... [k]eep your indictments & immunity # - TopicsExpress


alrighty then.... [k]eep your indictments & immunity # byanymeansnecessary # verynecessary # nomorelawlessnessfromofficers # adeathadayuntiljustice # payhowyouweigh # justiceforchildren # justiceforvictimsofamericanpolice alrighty then.... [k]eep your indictments & immunity #byanymeansnecessary #verynecessary #nomorelawlessnessfromofficers #adeathadayuntiljustice #payhowyouweigh #justiceforchildren #justiceforvictimsofamericanpolice GOD 1$T!^¡ Dustin Jon Valentine shared his post. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... cant blame me for wondering~1~ I wonder what backlash would come if crooked law enforcements families suffered the way minorities families suffer. I mean damn, weve been unjustly suffering & are murdered daily anyway. I suppose we just hold our heads down and hope it isnt our day. ? Gtfo; if they were worthy of respect, theyd get It, if not, theyll get it. ONE WAY or the other. I used to hate all cops based on a few; i later found error in this gross categorization. I had to £Earn to respect all..... until.... they proved unworthy of the credited respect. I was assaulted multiple times by law enforcement until I grew to view them as just as human and fragile as i. $in¢e then, ive had no issues with Good Detroit police. In fact, ill $alute any True Troop, civilian, hood, office or officer. However, i have no love, sympathy, or words for snakes and fakes. If Youre Good~ We Good; if youre not . . well..... . Seriously, imagine if their families got a call informing them that their loved one was killed; or if weekly or wilson got a call that their family members were executed. How can we have the audacity to think our families are safe from not so random killings from megalomaniac bullies in uniform? How can they raise their children to think its alright to kill & disrupt minority families? I think its shameful, as a Nation, shameful as a person & damn sure shameful from a person in authority. The bulk of officers havent earned respect, honor or admiration; they dont exercise any real, honorable qualities, yet want to be looked up to, admired or celebrated. For what?¿? Killing innocent kids?¿? lil ¼itch please. f#ck you, your mama, daddy & spoiled ass [k]ids-. . Time to get it how you live...which is... what they offer....pain, suffering murder & injustice. Oh, my bad, who wants Peace? Who would like their loved ones free from random acts of violence? Certainly not officers, legislators & governors who think killing children is fine, admissible, acceptable, fair, just, or justifiable. Surely these crooked governors, legislators & officers and their families dont expect a Loving & Just GOD to allow grave injustices. GOD is Good & Just & since they want to harass & kill with no compassion or sympathy for the victims or their families........... then surely my prayers must be to have them & theirs suffer and experience harassment, beatings, mass incarcerations and yes, even death. I pray for justice, i pray for Peace; yet i know devils spit on His Good Grace & that a time has come, voluntarily or UN-Voluntarily for evil to get its just due. Nothing else works, lets see if a little reciprocity can help. We werent ready to lose our loved ones either.... remember, mf, remember they aint never loved U$; so We/we are fresh out of grace, mercy, and acceptance of pathetic excuses. ~1~ Dustin Jon Valentine GOD 1$T !^¡ My InTerPreTatIon Of JUSTICE~1~ Via~ an age old QuestIon ~1~ what came first, the chicken or the egg ?¿? ~1~ Surely if there were Justice {T}Here would be Peace. The absence of Peace points a shrewd finger at the causations which disrupt peace. Were not our murdered children living peacefully prior to the arrival of crooked officers bent on causing terror & misplaced aggressions?¿? Was not an 8 year Detroit princess sleeping peacefully before being violently awakened & instantly shot & killed ¿¿? How terrifying is that?¿? Sadly, the killing of Americas children at the hands of fake ass [uninformed] shield misrepresenting, oath reneging, cowardly bullies continues. After every recourse what is left ?¿? I strongly disagree with instructions of pacifism, self-incriminating, docile slave mentalities that are being pushed towards Americas minority men, women & children. The message attempting to be re-born is act like a docile slave in the presence of law enforcement...if you happen to be a minority. If youre white, you wont be harassed, as much. Well unless, the officer is having a bad day, is rejected, or just wants to flex their authority. Like the middle aged white woman beaten in a police station; Wasnt she one of us, or one of them ?¿? Theres a Time For Everything~1~ # purging ...
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 07:10:59 +0000

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