always heard n schools how the nazis germans done the jews and its - TopicsExpress


always heard n schools how the nazis germans done the jews and its sad the truth is all out about that but is the truth ever gona be told in the history books n schools how the NAZI AMERICANS kill our childrer women and the old and young for some dirt that no single person should ever on was made for every one theres been studies done bout how many jews and others was starved and killed by hitler and his nazis why dont they do study on how many natives died by starvation and was murderd by the hands of NAZI AMERICANS Over dirt that never belongs to anyone and just because they wanted to be left alone and live n peace so many lost there lives and then they would force family to send to children off to boarding school said it was for them to learn if that was it then where did the murder beatings molesting starveing of them come from at the hand of the churchs that ran the boarding school for what just because some the children would not turn white for them they r my heros if not for ones that never gave n all native ways would be gone lost for ever my point of this is they should do study on all the Native people that was kill n the boarding schools and murderd for dirt that never has belong to any one they came of with the number of jews died now give of how many of our people died by the hand of american presidents and his people AMERICA YOU ARE NO BETTER THEN GERMANS AND THE NAZIS THAT KILLED ALL THEM PEOPLE ONLY DIFERENT IS THE NAME OF THE RACE THAT YALL TRIED TO WIPE OUT BUT N THE END WE WON TO POWERFUL FOR THAT TO HAPPEN IF ANY ONE DONT LIKE WHAT I WROTE IT AINT HARD TO DELETE SOMONE OFF AS YOUR FRIENDS ON HERE IM NOT GONA SAY IM SORRY HOW CAN YOU BE SORRY FOR YOUR TRUE FEELINGS AND WHEN YOU ARE SPEAKING THE TRUTH AND SOME MIGTH SAY YOU AINT FULL BLOODED NATIVE AND I KNOW IM NOT BUT I KNOW I HAVE ALOT OF NATIVE BLOOD N ME AND MY HEART AND MIND HAS ALWAYS BEEN 100PERCENT NATIVE AND WILL BE TILL I DIE BUT I WILL SAY IM SORRY FOR MY SPELLING AND MISTAKES I MADE WRITEING THIS
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 06:58:25 +0000

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