am not a christian but as a catholic i have my one to one - TopicsExpress


am not a christian but as a catholic i have my one to one relationship with jesus christ and my mother virgin mary. many will believe and many wont . i do believe in heaven and hell ,but in this aspect of a friendship between two young guys in this video . the bestfriend should of said or take a moment to share a part of the bible or even a moment at peace within , the fact his bestfriend didnt do it , well i cant speak for him but its sad . not alot of people wanna hear the word of god but we cant force religion either those that dont believe will find out the hard way . and it may be too late . all we can do is keep them in our prayers to accept god in there heart. its a said story . but really will i go to heaven ? will you ? we just dont know . all we can do is continue to good childrens to our father up above . and always acknowledge a person who wishes to speak to you about god. honestly i use to get bothered alot when i am waiting for the bus to get to my destination . and i will have all type of religions people come up to me and either talk to me about god or hand me a booklet to read on the way on the road. yes i use to reject them respectfully like NO THANK YOU and never felt bad about it . but by doing that i felt as if i was closing my doors to GOD . now when i get someone wanting to talk to me about God . i just listen and share my opinions. i no longer turn my back on them . because i know God wouldnt reject us as his Childrens . so , please if you ever get people at your door step just to speak about god . Give them that time of moment to speak . thank you god for putting those angels from other religion on my path . there is a purpose in everyone when they speak about God .some wont make sense and some will .
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 01:57:05 +0000

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