am pleased to announce my one day workshop Love Yourself, - TopicsExpress


am pleased to announce my one day workshop Love Yourself, Heal Your Life on September 20th at Gachibowli, Hyderabad. Dear Friends, This is a very powerful, life changing workshop based on the philosophy of Louise Hay, which will be a stepping stone on your pathway of Personal & Professional transformation, through the process of self-discovery & change. At this internationally acclaimed workshop, you will be gently and skillfully guided toward developing awareness of your negative beliefs, releasing old emotions, discover your inner power & tap your personal strengths. This workshop will help you practice simple yet powerful techniques, for changing your life. In this workshop you will learn powerful and effective tools and techniques that will help you to: • Love yourself and others more fully and deeply • Release negative emotions that block your joy and creativity • Mind & Body Connection Exercise • Uncovering negative messages • Changing limiting thoughts patterns • Understand your barriers to love • Affirmations & Visualizations • Get more of what you want from life • Gain new tools and ideas to assist you on your journey Know Your Instructor: Shyamala Shukla, internationally certified Heal Your Life Workshop Leader from Heart Inspired Presentations, USA. Shyamala Shukla is a Licensed Heal your Life® workshop Leader and seminar leader. She is a passionate student and practitioner of metaphysics. A trained Integrated clinical Hypnotherapist, Usui Reiki practitioner, Tarot card reader and Certified Angel Card Reader®, she uses these modalities to empower people to live happier and healthier lives. Shyamala attained her Masters degree in Business Management (with specialization in Human Resource Management) in 1998, and her keen interest in human personality led her to pursue 2 years Masters degree in Applied Clinical psychology. She has been working for last 17 years in corporate Human Resources function with various Indian and multinational organizations of repute and has made significant Strategic impact in the areas of Organizational & Leadership Development, Talent Management & engagement. As her Human Resources professional up gradation, she also holds to her credit specialized Diploma in Training& Development, DDI Selection Methodology certification and certified MBTI® practitioner accreditation. She has been an active speaker in various Human Resources Network forums and at professional colleges. She currently works at Director- Human Resources with a US multinational of repute. Her spiritual journey has been inspired by the philosophy and works of Shri Paramahansa Yogananda, Mahaavtar Babaji, Gautam Buddha, Milton Erickson, Carl Jung, Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Dr. Brien Weiss. Although, since childhood, she was always spirituality inclined, but little to her conscious awareness, in 2006, it was as if a higher power was moving her without her realizing that her life was getting changed forever. Seeking deeper spiritual meaning of her own life, she got introduced to meditation and regression therapies, and went ahead to learn Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapy from California Hypnosis Institute of India. At the same time, she also got presented to Louise Hay work and experienced wonderful results. Her beautiful mesmerizing universe opened for her doors of practices like Reiki, Angel & Tarot card readings and she started practicing these not only for self-healing, but also helping people to overcome their issues by working on mind body and spirit. As the magic of spirit started to unfold, she saw miraculous result in her practice. With each client she helped, she knew that she and her client were growing together, making world a better place and healing the planet, and on this spiritual path, she has been actively facilitating and channelizing healing for hundreds of clients. Her academic qualifications in Clinical Psychology, Human Resource Management & Business management, her rich and varied international corporate experience, coupled with the spiritual training she has received from the Masters, enables her to seamlessly weave a wonderful tapestry of professional dynamism, spiritual subtlety and divine harmonious peace in the holistic programs and healing sessions she conducts. She feels humbled and blessed to have this gift of divine, and for being an enabler in life journey of others. She is extremely passionate about helping individuals as well as groups to attain harmony between body, mind and soul through holistic healing. Her programs are empowering, joyous and life changing, motivating people to discover their inner powerful selves, creating lasting positive transformations in life, health, relationships, career and wealth. Her enduring mission is to empower people to live happier, healthier and joyful life Workshop at Gachibowli - Hyderabad Duration : 09:00 am - 5.30 pm Dates : September 20, 2014 Venue : Gachibowli, Hyderabad Contact No : +91 8106 482 129 & 8008 700 206 Limited Seats. Discounted Registrations close on 20th August, 2014. Please visit: https://youtube/watch?v=qYCamVx4fSQ
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 03:09:35 +0000

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