am the Archangel of transformation, I offer to you this healing - TopicsExpress


am the Archangel of transformation, I offer to you this healing and transformation (Sends a dodecahedron into our crown chakra and encircling in a rainbow light -energy) Allow for the release of unwanted thoughts, feelings, and understandings. Feel your 3rd eye begin to open and allow the rainbow light to beam through it, opening it up even further with each breath that you take. See a band of light around your head allowing for and opening up your pineal gland, your ear chakras and allow this energy to open up your psychic center...if you feel pain, throbbing or any discomfort in the area of your 3rd eye (brow chakra), soften the beam of light with golden particles swirling through to allow for a more gentle opening to occur and take some deep cleansing breaths. Then visualize with me whatever is your hearts true desire. See where you are heading at this time on your current path - are you close to your goal - see what it is you can do bring you closer to creating that reality - what is your next step.... Are you willing to do the steps and if so, check in with me daily to see your progress, to watch and grow from our perspective. I am here to assist you in seeing more clearly where you are going and how you can get even closer to creating what you choose. Practice, practice, practice, for each time you flex your psychic muscles, they become stronger and more developed. Trust in the messages that come from within you, form your heart. Trust is often hard for those in human form, however these are the opportunities that elevate your souls progress, to increase your vibration and each time you increase your vibration, more is revealed to you - you are more able to see and trust in what you see. Keep a journal of your progress- dated and timed as that is how your linear self sees the progress of abilities. Do not focus on the times your interpreted messages wrong as that will lower your vibration - your trust level. Look at the lessons you learned from that experience and see the progress you have made in your understandings. I am always with you. Surrounding you with love. It is when you are quiet and receptive that you hear and feel my energies around you. Allow the stillness to open our connection, practice and trust with love for the world is your oyster and you are the beautiful jewel of light glowing and glowing into the splendour that you truly are. You are dearly loved for doing this human journey and we are here to assist you whenever you call - trust in yourself, trust in your guides and angels, trust in your journey and be the beacon of light shinning so bright. Archangel Raziel.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 12:13:32 +0000

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