and!! As for some of what WE, THE PEOPLE, feed to OUR own cows as - TopicsExpress


and!! As for some of what WE, THE PEOPLE, feed to OUR own cows as well grow them up, only to kill them? With machines inside of Industrial killing-complexes, with proceeds thatre truly invested into paying for some cads swimming pool, or Bossman Jerrys son his new X-BOX-360? WE tend to consciously feed our own, future beef: these sorts of Diamonds, among other illuminating treats!:: and I quoth, Chicken shit: Whats not to love about the fecal waste of Americas 36-million-plus broiler chickens? Its plentiful and cheap. But according to a recent OnEarth story by Brad Jacobson, the problem may be less the poop itself than the smorgasbord of other substances it frequently comes with, including feathers, heavy metals, bacteria, antibiotics, and bits of rodents. Jacobson also notes that the practice could promote the spread of mad cow disease. Ground limestone: Strange as feeding rocks to cows may sound, limestone can be found in cattle troughs all over the United States. The stuff is a cheap source of calcium, and it also seems to promote growth. As one study put it, cows that ate limestone late in life tended to have more desirable carcasses than cows that didnt. Crab guts: For ranchers and feedlots near the coast, the guts and other undesirable parts of fish, crabs, shrimp, and crawfish can be an abundant source of cheap protein. Ground up into a tasty meal, seafood byproducts can be mixed into other feeds. Fish-meal cattle feed isnt a new idea; Marco Polo observed in his diary that cows ate it without any sign of dislike.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:39:21 +0000

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