…and so… as promised “Apples”. I have never been one - TopicsExpress


…and so… as promised “Apples”. I have never been one really interested in sugar. From an early age I preferred fruits and vegetables over candy any day. My family, then and now, can confirm this. As I don’t live a particularly healthy lifestyle it is probably better that I don’t love sweets. I find myself 10 years old, attending Honeyville Elementary (long gone now sadly) in the thriving metropolis Honeyville, Ut. My 2 sisters and I shared a modest bedroom in a small rental house on Main St., and made the most of what we had. We were never a family burdened by an over abundance of money, but my memory tells me we were pretty happy none the less. My mother worked her fingers to the bone at various jobs, and was attending school to be a dental technician, and my stepfather worked a swing shift at a factory not far away. As children, ignorant to finances and bills, we lived truly a care free life. Near the end of my 5th grade year, my parents made the decision to purchase a small mobile home and place it on my grandparent’s property a couple miles up the road. They owned a fairly large chunk of land where they raised and boarded horses, as well as sheep, cattle, an apple orchard, and of course, bee hives. The upper portion of the property was farmland, which in my recollection, almost always grew alfalfa. It was a magical place to a young boy and I was elated to think of living there. The one thing above all else that I loved, was the orchard. Those who know me can tell you, I love trees. I have always loved trees. And trees that bore apples… Heaven! So, after what seemed like an eternity to a child, the house was placed on the property. When we (the kids) were taken out there the first time to see the house I could not have been happier. The house was placed right in the middle of the orchard! Excitement, joy, elation, these words can’t even come close to describing how happy I was then. My bedroom faced the majority of the trees, and they were so close, that branches were known to scrape against my window if not kept trimmed back. My room was tiny. It was 8 feet by 8 feet square, equipped with a tiny closet and a huge window. But it was mine! This, I must mention, was the first bedroom where I didn’t have to share. I loved that space, I made it my own. Imaginations are a wonderful thing. Being the only boy, and one hell of a nerdy kid, I lived in mine. I spent every waking hour out in the trees. I knew every branch and knothole. I knew which tree grew which kind of apple. I knew the perspective and view of our property from each one by heart. I was Tarzan, Batman, a Ninja Turtle, Luke Skywalker, Rambo…. It all depended on what day you found me out there. I ate more apples in those few years than the rest of my life combined, and loved every bite. (I also remember eating them when they were obviously too small yet, and believe me, that can have physical ramifications you need not read of.) The apples were my favorite thing. I ate them. I threw the bad ones as grenades at my imaginary enemies, and I hid among them high in the branches. Climbing those trees, and reading a book is probably one of the greatest memories I have. In those branches I went through world after world of robots, gunslingers, aliens, and murderers. I have so many memories, it is impossible to share them all. I was even allowed to pitch my little tent and sleep out there from time to time. Something I think today’s youth is missing out on. I see now the value of all that time in my “forest”. Of all things as I grow older, I hope these memories remain. I watch the youth of today, phone-ipod-tablet-laptop in hand, and wonder if I am still in those trees reading of the zombie apocalypse. It saddens me that they don’t live outside. Even sadder is what they will never have….the memories. They will not remember the cartoon or meme that made them chuckle. They will not remember the social media post they “liked”. It is not a childhood, it is not living… I am glad for who I am and where I came from. I am grateful for what I was given as a child. The apples. -jack
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:10:41 +0000

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