anotha tip of the day. beware all the asbestos cracked tiles that - TopicsExpress


anotha tip of the day. beware all the asbestos cracked tiles that i have been sleeping on since before i was pregnant!!! and cracked asbestos bath me and my family have been bathing in for 5yrs!!! and the cracked concrete floor in the cupboard in my lil girls room, that if i poked my hand thru as i have put it in the last few days after having the counciller from tim laughtons office in the 3rd floor 1 bed flat twice this week after ringing the houses of parliment originally about the cracks on my external wall 3floors up which has been seeping through water since then. been to council since then with broken promises written on a fart in the wind, litrally howling through me non health and safety window one one which had no handles on for 3weeks, with a four yr old chile. threatend the council wiv the papers and laughton. they know the door back in november two hours later and screwed it shut!!! have 100% proof this is all asbestos as my downstairs neighbour has on his deeds. also know another downstairs neighbour refused to move in a flat because they knew it was asbestos until the council recified it!!! there is a pdf report on the councils website saying 2009/10 BUDGET £11500 FOR SAFE REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS IN SOUTHWICK!!!!!!!! the proof is in the pudding!!!!! they have litrally swept it under the carpet for years!!! i have done all the research!! it causes plural thickening!!! asbestosis!!!! mesothelioma!!! another asbestos related cancer which you dont know about till its too late!!! BETWEEN 1945 - 2000 ALOT OF PROPERTIES MAY WELL HAVE ASBESTOS IN!!!! INCLUDING ALL THE FALTS IN THE ROCK CLOSE/ WHITEROCK/ WATLING ROAD AREAS OF SOUTHWICK!!! WE ALL HAVE THESE TILES!!!! GOOGLE ASBESTOS FLOOR TILES WEB IMAGES!!!!!!! it is not dangerous until exposed and cracked as mine is. and has been since before i was pregnant sleeping on this floor while pregnant!!!!! the council have admitted it to me and a neighbour!!! i also have bi-polar!!!! the governments backing and the corner house!!! i have left message on environmental health angencys answerphone!!! and will contact the health visitors!!! and the asbestos angency is coming to my flat and a neighbours next week!!!!! they have picked on the wrong lil mumma to mess with!!!! power to the people!!! lets start a revolution!!!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 13:49:46 +0000

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