another excerpt from Crescent Hunter, Moon Crossed!!! The boys - TopicsExpress


another excerpt from Crescent Hunter, Moon Crossed!!! The boys start filing into the house, “Hold on just a minute there!” They all freeze and Cole rejoins us on outside, fully dressed. “This was my fight, not yours.” Anger churns in the pit of my stomach radiating outward. Tor steps closer to me, “Claire, were your family and theres no way any of us would let them take you.” “There was no chance that was going to happen.” I start off. “Please, let me be and do what Im meant to. I dont want to worry about any of you getting hurt.” They reluctantly nod in agreement, all but Cole. “Were not going to let anyone hurt you, ever.” He says in the most sincere tone Ive ever heard words spoken. My heart melts a little at the thought of him fighting for me, protecting me, caring enough. But that doesnt mean I want him to. I walk along them all standing in a line on the porch and start my lecture until I reach my chair and sit. “I realize that its your nature to feel the need to protect me. But you all seem to forget that Im stronger, faster and more deadly than any of you.” My voice dips lower with each word. “I am not just little frail Claire, Im a hunter and Im built to destroy your kind at your strongest.” They all blanch at the thought, but they know Im right. “Dont do it again.” They all agree silently, again excluding Cole. I feel completely exhausted by the whole exchange, but I remember what Lex said to Cole. I study him for a moment and decide that its probably better for us to discuss it in private. Weve had a lot of very deep, telling conversations where Cole has let me into some of the nethermost parts of his mind. Its as though Im the only one he has ever been able to confide in, that hasnt judged him for his darkness. Who would I be to judge him anyway, my very existence is born of darkness. I guess its something we share and both dwell in. Our friendship has become a healing process for both of us in so many ways. The sort of friendship well both cherish for years to come, its an honor I take very seriously. Something I dont want to damage and if I confront him about this now, in front of everyone he will close up.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:52:34 +0000

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