answered all of 80 questions frm this this is kinda cool .. Came - TopicsExpress


answered all of 80 questions frm this this is kinda cool .. Came up with entj type of personality..Better to keep humbly retaining what is good to bring out the best in you according to The infallible Word of God to bring true success be it little successes or big ones..Waldy Santos 16personalities/entj-personality ENTJ personalities are very charismatic, rational and quick-minded. They are meant to lead and inspire other people and there is no other type that can do this with such an ease. According to ENTJs, nothing is impossible if you try hard enough. Naturally, they rarely have difficulties convincing other people that the goal chosen by the ENTJ should also become one of their personal goals. These leadership traits form the core of the ENTJ personality type. ENTJs can be unbelievably confident and charismatic – these qualities draw most other types like a magnet and this makes it quite easy for an ENTJ to achieve what they want to achieve. People belonging to this type love challenges, big and small, and firmly believe that they can accomplish everything given enough time and resources. More often than not, this confidence results in a self-fulfilling prophecy – where other types give up and move on to the next project, the ENTJ ploughs ahead and usually achieves spectacular results simply because of that sheer willpower. That being said, no one can accuse ENTJs of narrow-mindedness or short-term thinking – ENTJ personalities are excellent strategists and have no difficulties crafting elaborate long-term plans, which are then executed with determination and precision. These personality traits make ENTJs brilliant entrepreneurs and business strategists – their charisma and confidence can truly shine in the business world. People belonging to this type also tend to be very dominant and persuasive when it comes to arguing with others or negotiating a deal – while this can certainly turn against the ENTJ, usually it is their opponent who gives up in the face of ENTJ’s willpower and unyielding belief in his or her arguments. Further to the above, ENTJs are very energetic and tend to have excellent communication skills. They genuinely enjoy interacting with other people and respect those who stand up to them, especially in an intellectual debate. ENTJs have no trouble recognizing someone else’s talents and such encounters are actually very healthy for them as the ENTJ’s self-confidence can easily turn into arrogance and condescension if it is not kept in check. ENTJ personalities cannot tolerate inefficiency and cannot stand those who they perceive as lazy or incompetent. An ENTJ can be chillingly cold and ruthless when it comes to such situations – they have a very rational mind and could not care less about being sensitive when that mind tells them that someone has failed. People with this personality type put rationality above everything else – and this is one of the main reasons why they are so efficient in the business world, even if such a behavior gives them a reputation of cold-hearted tycoons. In all likelihood, an ENTJ would simply shrug their shoulders and say “I don’t care if you call me an insensitive b*****d, as long as I remain an efficient b*****d”. Ironically, ENTJs must have the support of other people in order to be truly efficient. They are great leaders, but even the most brilliant mind cannot do everything by itself. This is especially true for ENTJs, whose confidence partially depends on the feedback they receive from their “audience”. Consequently, ENTJs should try to pay more attention to other people’s feelings or at least pretend that they do – most mature and successful ENTJs do that to some extent, even though their sensitivity may hide a cold and calculating mind. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. Steve Jobs All these personality traits relate to ENTJ’s behavior in the professional environment. People with this personality type often believe that any expression of emotions is a display of weakness, but that does not mean that they cannot be loving and sensitive in a different environment. Feelings and emotions are definitely the Achilles’ heel of most ENTJs and they are likely to find it very difficult to reveal the emotional side of their mind. Even the most confident ENTJ is likely to feel quite powerless in such situations. People belonging to this type should make conscious efforts to develop that aspect of their personality – this does not have to affect their behavior in the workplace, but any ENTJ would benefit tremendously from combining a good grip on their emotions with that rare gift of extraordinary charisma and confidence. To summarize, ENTJ personalities are very efficient and confident individuals who rarely have difficulties achieving what they have set out to achieve. However, ENTJs are likely to have difficulties when it comes to recognizing and expressing emotions – while such a trait can actually be beneficial in the business world, it may cause many problems in personal relationships if the ENTJ does not make conscious efforts to address this weakness. If you would like to learn more about the ENTJ personality type and its traits, download the ENTJ In-Depth Profile – a 60+ page guide covering a number of diverse topics. Otherwise, please keep reading: ENTJ personality [ Type description ] Strengths and weaknesses ENTJ In-Depth Profile and guides ENTJ relationships Romantic relationships Friendships Parenthood ENTJ professional life Career paths Workplace habits Some famous ENTJs: Steve Jobs, the ex-CEO of Apple Franklin D. Roosevelt, former U.S. president Richard M. Nixon, former U.S. president Harrison Ford, actor Steve Martin, actor and composer Whoopi Goldberg, actress Margaret Thatcher, the “Iron Lady” Al Gore, former U.S. vice president Jim Carrey, actor Tell us about your occupation and find out how popular it is among visitors with your personality type: Your type: INTJINFJINTPINFPENTJENFJENTPENFPISTJISFJISTPISFPESTJESFJESTPESFP Your occupation: Are you happy there? YesNo 37 15 Responses to “ENTJ personality” ESTJ PERSONALITY | 16 PERSONALITY TYPES - FREE PERSONALITY TEST, TYPE DESCRIPTIONS, RELATIONSHIP AND CAREER ADVICE APRIL 28, 2012 REPLY [...] However, it is important to note that the ESTJ approach is quite different from the one used by ENTJ personalities, who are also known as “people organisers”. The former simply want to ensure that [...] TRENDYWATY CHŁOPIEC | SEVENNATIONARMY AUGUST 10, 2012 REPLY [...] be fed at the end. The worst part is that some people actually believe them. Apparently I am an ENTJ personality. I always knew that I am the smartest and the meanest and now I can finally confirm it by means of [...] SARAH JANUARY 31, 2013 REPLY well, I’m an INTJ but i can strongly relate to most of the characteristics of this personality type. but I think you should have read and known more about steve jobs before saying that he is an extrovert.I read a lot and watched videos on youtube about him and his life since his early age.even his closest friends (who were very few and remained friends for decades BTW, -as introverts prefer them to be-) said that he was introverted. at the darkest points and disappointments of his life he could stand up again on his own (without the need to his friends to support him -like introverts too). he was a visionary and i watched him in one of these videos (when he was young) saying that creating something that will make a real difference in the world is much better than just having a family and living a nice life.he had a very clear vision for the future since a very early age (like dominant Ni types) and he didn’t really care about the importance of having a family (unlike extroverts) I know that you may have said that he is an extrovert according to how his position made him look like but let me tell you that most INTJs know very well how to act like extroverts and they can be very convincing especially if they are doing that for the sake of efficiency and getting the job done well BTW celebritytypes identifies him as an ISTP DAVID MAY 18, 2013 REPLY I think you are completely right Sarah. KIM JULY 3, 2013 REPLY Extroverts are able to stand up on their own without the needs of friends for support, and do not all wish to have a family. I’m not saying that Steve Jobs is or is not an extrovert; however, you may want to rethink your opinion of an extrovert. Nor do all extroverts have alot of friends. What one is and what one does and what one thinks are all different. #THEHITMANAPPROVES APRIL 2, 2013 REPLY I am an ENTj, and this article is SPOT ON! I have REALLY been practicing empathy, and it has benefitted me a great deal. Socionics, is a wonderful thing. #TheHitmanApproves ! JAKE JONES APRIL 8, 2013 REPLY I really like your redone website. I think you have done a really excellent job with appearance and content. I am considering purchasing, when available, the ENTJ personal development guide. WASSWA NELSON APRIL 20, 2013 REPLY I am proud to be an ENTJ HAS AN ENTJ DAD MAY 4, 2013 REPLY ENTJs are some of the most impressive people I’ve ever met or known. They are unstoppable forces for good once they get in touch with their emotional sides. JASMINE JUNE 9, 2013 REPLY I am happy that i am an ENTJ…with all famous personalities JASMINE JUNE 9, 2013 REPLY in this group JASMINE JUNE 9, 2013 REPLY I am happy that..I am an ENTJ…along with many famous personalities SAMUEL ARHIZI JULY 22, 2013 REPLY I am happy for the test I did and very happy to hear my result. SAMUEL ARHIZI JULY 22, 2013 REPLY I am happy that lam in ENTJ group. RICK ESTES. JULY 26, 2013 REPLY I was picked as an ENTJ in high school 38 yrs ago, I have done many things in my life, if I am not the boss, it doesn’t work out to well. I spent a number of years at Honeywell where we took many tests and classes regarding personality type in order to better work with each other. All those tests came out very similar to this one. NAME (REQUIRED) EMAIL (WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED) (REQUIRED) WEBSITE COMMENT Submit Comment New here? TAKE THE PERSONALITY TEST Share and discuss! Tell us your story! We are eager to learn more about career paths chosen by people with different personality types. Would you mind taking 5 minutes to give us your thoughts? TAKE OUR SURVEY Explore other personality types: INTJ INFJ INTP INFP ISTJ ISFJ ISTP ISFP ENTJ ENFJ ENTP ENFP ESTJ ESFJ ESTP ESFP Personality traits explained: Extraverted (E) Expressive, outgoing, prefer group activities, eager to speak their minds, more comfortable when around other people than when alone, get energized by social interaction Introverted (I) Reserved, listen carefully, prefer solitary activities, more comfortable when alone than when around other people, get exhausted by social interaction Intuitive (N) Introspective, rely on their imagination, absorbed in ideas, focus on what might happen Sensing (S) Observant, rely on their senses, absorbed in practical matters, focus on what has happened Thinking (T) Tough, follow their minds, suppress feelings, focus on objectivity and rationality Feeling (F) Sensitive, follow their hearts, keep feelings close to the surface, focus on harmony and cooperation Judging (J) Decisive, prefer clear rules and guidelines, eager to commit, see deadlines as sacred, seek closure Perceiving (P) Probing, prefer keeping their options open, reluctant to commit, relaxed about their work, seek freedom
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 07:33:55 +0000

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