anti social behavior is a sign of intelligence in a world full of - TopicsExpress


anti social behavior is a sign of intelligence in a world full of conformists thee irony being that A) konforming 2 non konformity iz N and ov itself a form ov konformity and B ) getting ppl 2 bee kum anti social iz an N direkt yet blatant memes ov having ppl bee kum isolated from each other per operation divide and konquor aka operation in-divide-dual eye understand being anti social, tho knot bee kause ov konformity vs non konformity, rather kuz thee majority just dont wanna bee X posed 2 n e thing that challenges (kalls out) thee kurrent paradigm false psyko illogikal programs and konditionings......lack ov empathy and open mindedness, both with N main stream and kounter kultures alike witch brings 2 mined how thee sew kalled kounter kulture/sub kulture iznt really different from thee mainstream.....just looks different via appearance/image
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 18:56:10 +0000

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