anuary 2015 Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris. On the 4th - TopicsExpress


anuary 2015 Global Communion Service with Pastor Chris. On the 4th of January, 2015. The 2015 January Global communion service with our Man Of God Pastor Chris started with prayer and worship session. Welcome to the new year. Question and Answer Section. The message of the year coming to us. God had a very special message for us for our benefit. He said i have plan of good for you. Today we have some beautiful things about the year. I have with me on todays program pastor Lanre Alabi, the director of zone 1 christ Embassy Lagos. Pastor Thomas, Pastor Femi. I have the top most question here not necessarily the most important but the first from the list In mathew 1:23 the bible said behold a virgin shall be with a child and his name shall be called Emmanuel God with us, shall bring forth sons, who gave him the name Jesus? In that mathew 1 :21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. The Angel brought the name Jesus and it came from the same book. The Angel brought the name from heaven. He said his name shall be called Jesus because he shall save his people. Joshua is the same pronunciation. The name Jesus came from Angel. Conel from Cameron. I was in an argument with my brothers about God changing his mind and his decision. Does God changes his mind or his decision? 2 king 20. God actually can change his decision in the case of King Hezekiah. He is asking is there a difference between the 2 does God change his mind or just his decisions? God decisions we can get him to change, God said it repented him that he has made saul king. God doesnt changes his mind, he changes his decisions. God knows everything and he has a very clear vision. He has put some principles in place to enable you effect some changes. Hezekiah argued the case and God told the prophet to go back and tell him that he has added more 15 years to him. Isaiah 20:6 And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this city for mine own sake, and for my servant Davids sake. God changes his mind, but the bible said a double minded person is not consistent. Based on this decision, did God made a decision to kill Hezekiah? Gods character is intact, his personality is intact, but he can chang his decisions. In reality you all seemed to agree that God can have a consistent character. Does God change his decisions? There are some event that God has said that it is going to happen. God has a character that he has to follow through and he also have ways that he made for us. It is the character of God. The mercy of God is it the same with Justice or is it completely separated? They are consistent, God give room for that advantage, do we change that mind on the basis of our appeal? God doesnt change. He is God and has a clear cut way and it is subject to various things. He doesnt change his mind on various issues. Do we know when God change his mind, can i make the appeal? Are you saying there are times we can get God to change his mind. What was the decision that needed to be changed based on? Why did he make certain decisions? It is based on what he saw. it is the object that changes. Isaiah 38:1 In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live. Hezekiah was to die, he had done the wrong thing and be was to die. The man changed his ways, it became un righteous for God to continue in that decision. So automatically, God has to change his decision because the man has changed. Anyone who sin should go to hell as the bible said, but because God made a deal through Jesus Christ. If you make a change at the right time, it is no longer consistent for God to punish you. GOD CALL man to change. He sent Jesus to die, when you accept Jesus, he is no longer consistent to punish you. Changing ones mind is different from changing his ways. Changes his mind, his decision are consistent with his mind. If you change your state God will be change his decision. John from India. 2 Samuel 24:1- And again the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah. God made david count the people and he became Angry with David for doing that, why would God do that? This is amazing, is like one of those scriptures you have in Isaiah And The Lord... Unlike when it says an Evil spirit from the Lord trouble saul, people have so many question. There is a language of prophet, language of revelation and the only way to properly understand it is by spiritual understanding. When God speaks, he speaks spiritual understanding. When a spiritual man reads this, a spiritual man is not a man that dreams but someone who has grown in the word of God and understand the scriptures and through the language of Gods character you can understand his language. I can know that God did not call david to number Israel, but to explain to someone. If God is a righteous God why would he send David to number Israel and became angry with him? 1 chronicles 21:1- And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel. Now there is no pronounce in between there is no he or she there. If you go back to 2nd samuel, there is a pronoun there. It may not be the lord who provoked him, but he permitted it. If you do something wrong God can permit the devil to tempt you. And again the anger of the Lord was kindle against Israel and he moved david. The language in 2nd samuel cannot be placed on the one in chronicles. If you study Gods word it is not contradictory. Once you understand the character of God. Coffee from Togo. God said you should not make any graven image for worship. They were told to look at the brazen serpent and not to worship it. When God said to Abraham look at the stars he did not tell him to worship it. There should not be any article of worship attributed to it. It was symbolic, the serpent typified sin that was nailed in the cross. As moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the son of man be lifted. We worship the resurrected christ. We worship the risen christ. John 3:14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: It is not the sin thing. He never told them to worship the serpent, he wanted to link it to the salvation. The building blocks of revelation. Thats what it was laying on the cross. Emmanuel from US. What does it mean to open up the Spirit unto God, how is it done? Does God do it for you or you do it yourself? Exodus 3:1- The mind is the door way in the spirit and also golf of distraction. When the Lord saw that he gave his attention God began to talk to him. Attention is very important. Does God do it? How does God open ones heart? The dispensation of the spirit, the favour of God. Is like the soil when you cultivate on it. When we pour water on the ground, it loses it This is why we pray a lot before we go on evangelism. Like a rain, the lord has to play his role by opening their understanding. He said receive the holy spirit. You can understand the things am saying. The spirit of God has open your mind through the holy spirit. Welcome back. This is 2015 and as we learnt on the 31st night and the Lord is giving us the year of triumph. The first that we mention coming from last year,we were very successful on the things the lord told us to do. This year we will surpass all that we did last year. We will accomplish Gods plan by the holy ghost. We rely on the power of the holy spirit. Last year we set a goal to distribute 100 million copies of Rhapsody of Realities. We achieved that We also set a goal to get 500 Languages translated, we had 552 languages making Rhapsody of Realities the most read book in the world second to the bible. This year we will have additional 100 languages translated and 120 million copies of Rhapsody of Realities distributed. The lord will give us translators. How can they believe on whom they have not heard. Somebody have to tell them. We must remember there is no other name under heaven by which we must be save except through the gospel of jesus christ. We must be definite and clear about the vision. We need to distribute another 120 million copies. It calls for definite purpose. You have to be clear about it. You have to catch the vision. We have to plan now and pray about it so that by November we can look back and say look what the lord has done through us. Then nothing can stand in our way. We will do it. Set your mind on the word this year, keep his word in your heart and your mind. Listen to the messages, be voracious for the word of God and dont take it lightly, go for the word. We want to make effort to put the message in various format. When we study the scriptures it is given to build our spirit. To build us strong, to make us effective and efficient in the things of the spirit. His word will make us come into oneness with him daily, thats what they call walking in his glory. To live in Gods word is not about rules and regulation, it is in his word. God want you to live his word. We live a human life because we have an understanding of the human life. We live in the society, learning their ways because thats the way we have been train. There is a spiritual society, you cant see it except you are born again. There is a kingdom at work now and you see it through the spirit of God. Living it from inside out. The transcended life thats why i like that song superman. I am soaring and flying. This year is my goal to learn more of Gods word. Stair yourself in the miraculous. We have a video, a compendium of healing miracles, we will show that to you. Just a little part and i hope you will get that video in the churches. Do they have the video available, can someone tell me. I will like to know. I want to be sure they have the video, if you dont have the video why showing it to you. How can they obtain the video? Few things we got line up for the 1st half of the year with several programs. Regional cell leaders conferences. Cell leaders conference. If you are a cell leader, get ready we will have regional conference and that should begin from this month. In February we have Pastoral refreshers course 2nd Feb to 6TH. And also the deacons. Zone 5 won the church year award, we will have finance convention with them in February. Healing school starts in Feb April we have Loveworld festival of Music and Art. Start getting ready for it. We will send messages to the churches. There is non of its kind. We do have the ICLC taking place in June. I want to show you a video highlight of the star program that we had in December. It will tell you a few things about our work and the things weve done. We want to say thank you to all our members of staff. It takes dedicated and committed people who give all the time to make it happen. If that could have been without having such, jesus would have showed it. He had disciples working in and out with him. We have the whole world to cover. Glory to God. We will show that to you today. Let me give them 2 minutes of it. In one week you play them in the churches. There is so much more in God. The full DVD is available on the apple app store or google play store. The DVD will be in the churches next sunday. I want to read the scripture about the year 2015, in many of our churches all around the world, they had a talk show discussing the message of the year. 2 Corinthians 2:14- Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. What a scripture i feel like reading the whole thing to you. The aroma of christ to one is the aroma of death and to other Life. To whatever, we know we are actually of christ. To those who dont believe is the smell of death, but we that believe we smell of life. When you read it in king james version, you may miss the message except you are used to it. Always he makes us triumphant in Christ, i dont have to struggle to be triumphant in every place. What does that suggest in the NIV He leads us, am led by the holy ghost i am not afraid of it, i come in triumphant process, i am a victor already i come in singing the songs of victory. I am a success. Is a parade. According to a situation of a financial lack, when i come in i experience that with them place to places, all kinds of places and i come into that place in the name of jesus i am triumphant in all these things am more that a conqueror. A perpetual victory parade. There is a consistency, a mentality. Jesus had a mentality, the fathers mentality. Paul cultivated the same mentality. I can do all things through christ. Nothing is impossible. Thats my mentality, all things work together for good. Is my year of triumph. The new year message are always exceeded, we prayed and when you said the year of triumph and now is a dimension. Nothing is impossible. He leads me, oh blessed thought. Just to think about it that am being lead in triumphant procession. Jesus christ never knew defeat, lack and he said to us to operate from the position of rest. I see life from that perspective. I see possibilities, victory parade. Whether you are passing through water. It is bubbling in my spirit, there is a lot of interruption from the spirit and the word of the spirit went up. We will be serving the communion shortly, it is the first communion service of the year, as we serve the communion, i want you to think of what i told you that it is the year of triumph. He was broken that i will not be broken. As you drink the cup, health is yours, his life is yours and there is a oneness we have with him. His blood was shed for us, it doesnt matter what sin you have committed if you let him, his righteousness will be poured and you have been washed already. His blood was shed for me, i have no sin anymore, preach the same message to others so that they can have their sins forgiven. I see a young man in the church, he is steering at me, he belongs to a gang and has done some terrible things, the lord is calling you and he will give you the power to please God in your life. Give him your heart and give him your heart. talk to the Lord.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 02:32:05 +0000

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