any crime against any child of any color race ot ethnic backgournd - TopicsExpress


any crime against any child of any color race ot ethnic backgournd is pure evil and remember we are all children of God we are children so man woman child every color every size bullying meaness hatred ugly ugly world remember innocent unless proven gulty God does not see in color shape size language we are made in his image all and God does not make mistakes or junk...Tortue is pure evil and evil shall always be evil that is why we who belong Christ should shine brighter than every before God dear ones is only interested in our Hearts the world divides God unites, he is a creative creator and oh how he loves these little children....we fb Christian family do NOT belong to this world we are aliens our jobs are to pray to fast to help to act to love to worship when anyone is hurt remember the beaten and injured man at the side of the road and everyone everyone but one passed him by bandaged his wounds gave him water got him up and help we all need to be like this man the good Samaritan that is why that lovely godly chairtiable group the Samaritans purse does not everyone get it evil comes in every color every size faith makes absolutely no difference if even they are rainbow we wether any one likes it or not judge or hate back or get or want revenge Jesus died he is the judge only Gods wrath will pour out from the altar we that belong to the Lord are to spread the word feed the sheep encourage love lift up help act just like Jesus remember the Beatitudes focus on doing Gods work as time is short and the window of end of times and Jesus coming , we need to become a part of the solution fast pray and work through it be an advocate for the injustice around the world no matter who is on the receiving end young old black white your actions combined with your faith will bring more to Christ when they see the empathy compassion from the man of sorrows as when they look at us they are to see a mirror Image of Christ as Jesus was an exact Image of his Father .....Be that voice calling in the wilderness repent we must also forgive and pray that the worse of the worse give their lives to Christ as they will no longer have their old lives but new creations in Christ their filthy rags as all sin keeps us from God shall turn from the blood of Christ crimson they shall wear sackcloth to humble them selves and then be robed in white ,,,,they if find this person will pay if the justice system works the way it is suppose to if beyond a shadow of a doubnt if guilty then they either die or spend the rest of their lives in prison that is where we pray they find the that not one perish again evil yes shall not change will always be evil no matter any evil act is commited in the hands of anyone shall reap what sown and have to deal with the wrath of God justice belongs to Jesus alone...... this face look smiling sweet pure and not even at an age of accountability is safely and lovingly in the arms of the savior Jesus no more pain suffering sorrow what a nice thing to do remember him if you will please choose in Jesus arms and sitting on his lap...Yes by all means have a holy anger at such obominations be a voice make a difference shout it from the rooftops vote for the right people in the courts in the congress the white house the community leaders and senators ambassadors anyone who holds a public office must be voted in order to make a difference and do our best to stop this kind of wolves in sheeps clothing with two hornds and a tail and can look like anyone even an angel in the light servants of satan are bountiful and busy and as are the demons pray fast make a roar like that of the Lion of Judah share this dont be an ostrich with your head in the sands we need to be outraged at every single horrendeous crim.....Lord have mercy and heal the nations and the hearts of the people to turn from the darkness and the hold the devil has on them a thief and a murderer found paradise for recognizing Jesus as the Messiah and Jesus told him this day you shall be in paradise, it is never to late ever we are running out of time so we all need to shine much brighter love more forgive more pray more give more and until it hurts clothe the naked feed the hungry give water to the thirsty and our money to the poor remember the widow care for the sick and the sick of hat those who grieve and the prisoner .....their will never ever be true peace until Jesus comes but why dont we all start now and give them all a tast of real love a godly love you cannot outgive God he will give you back up to one thousand fold give more and you will get even more back give it all and lookout because the floodgates of heaven shall open up and pour out the manna from heaven amen so much so that you shall not be able to contain it it is gods principles reap what you sow and remember we must be very careful as what comes out of our mouths as it shall come back on us so if we speak good we reap good if we speak curses we ourelves shall be cursed ...... I always told my kids your mouth is your enemy until you use your best friend your brain so zip the lip before you speak and use tame the tonue the enemy think about every word that comes out of your mouth use your best friend your brain how true and I made that up and even thoug I loved the Lord I was not even born again yet we hold the power of both life and death in our tongues yikes that is scarey Jesus is the vine we the branches and what are they to do spread out and spread the word to every nation the work much the workers few but if we all do something Imagine the impact as a body united each using and sharing and practicing the many wonderful gifts Jesus has given us use them , but he commanded us to preach the gospel and dpread the good news and the most important commandment Jesus left us with with much love and as always Yours in Christ Jesus until he comes much luv for yal all Nanny Sharon xoxoxoxox light your lamps be ready he our King could come tonight no one knows the hours but he gave us everything we need to know to ready ourselves May the grace and favor of our Snna abund much and increase much and like yesat in the flour for break making increase let your yeast be love and grow in it rise increase put the taste back into your salt ...... lets examine ourselves look in the mirror a long hard look can you see the light of Christ in your face do your actions match your talk and do you walk the walk if not then just ask Jesus to help you and he shall answer.... this sent with much love yours in Christ Jesus our Messiah is coming our savior our first love,,,,,whom we have never left Jesus take any batitude and turn it into gratitude grow in faith grow in God purify you heart and keep Jesus at the center of our lives always, keep your eyes on the prize and Praise him lift those hands up and say hi it is me your daughter you son you made me you have my name on your hand since before you spoke creation into place I am made in your image Lord I pray with all my heart that we your children be a bright light in this very godless lawness world so unjust on this earth becasue of the evil and power and wealth motivating the me generation,,,,, please peace can be planted by the church a first seed of what is to come so plant sow water and grow in Jesus we are a progress in work always until sanctification from our Christlike you oh lord have every single hair on our heads numberlet us never ever forget your commandments especially Jesus words this I give you a new commandment love one another love ,,,,,,,
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 04:34:00 +0000

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