any ideas on how I wouldve or couldve handled this any - TopicsExpress


any ideas on how I wouldve or couldve handled this any differently???One of the teapublican trolls, a fellow vet....but he posts stuff that I cant seem to would be a disservice to this party and this country to let his kind of spamming go unchecked...heres the length of the discussion....and constructive criticism??? Steve Henderson via Washington Free Beacon 14 hrs \Environmentalists Hyped False Fracking Fears Ahead of Elections Environmental activists ginned up false fears about flood-induced contamination from hydraulic fracturing operations in Colorado shortly before voters in the state... freebeacon Mary Ann Morgan Marler likes this. . OldMan River fracking is not hype, take a trip down through texas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and see the destruction fracking has done....and its not new....but its more prevalent than ever before.....its a dirty, and dangerous method of extracting a resource...but at what cost to the people and the environment.....My pop worked oil rigs for 30 years...seen it up close..... Steve Henderson bull i got family and friend all through there the water has always been nasty its because of all the minerals in the ground naturally not from fracking i have worked in the oil business so dont spread all that hippy shit here most oil wells in ill pump salt water out mixed with the oil i guess thats because some how they drilled all the way through to the ocean so dont spread your shiiii Jerry Nickles old man river sounds like an Obama lover. Need to do more research bro. OldMan River the fracking fluids used back in the day are much different than the concoctions that are being used in todays operations...If it were just salt water...why do you think not one single owner/operator/ceo wants to take the taste test? Even one of the ...See More Steve Henderson the salt water in ill oil was not pumped in its there naturally all your argument is propaganda used by the evo Nazis OldMan River there ya calling 101....obviously youve never spent a minute working a rig...I have...dirtiest and most dangerous job Ive ever done...paid well, but not worth it to me.....the whole point being...what theyre doing today is 100% different...See More OldMan River Scientific advisory panels at the Department of Energy and the EPA have enumerated ways the industry could improve and have called for modest steps, such as establishing maximum contaminant levels allowed in water for all the chemicals used in frackin...See More Safety First, Fracking Second scientificamerican Drilling for natural gas has gotten ahead of the science needed to prove it safe . OldMan River Exxon CEO Joins Lawsuit to Stop Fracking Near His Home dailykos/story/2014/02/21/1279443/-Exxon-CEO-Joins-Lawsuit-to-Stop-Fracking-Near-HisTaste of Home Exxon CEO Joins Lawsuit to Stop Fracking Near His Home dailykos Rex Tillerson finally tells the truth about fracking. It lowers property values....See More . 21 mins · Like · Remove Preview .Steve Henderson i owned two wells near Harvill; ill and i have worked on rigs and moved and set up equipment and farming is still the dirtiest job i have ever done why would believe some scientist who has never been out side and was paid to give the results the people who paid him to give bs they wanted i dont have time for your trolling for the demtardcommie party to day 18 mins · Like .. OldMan River owning and working long term are 2 very different situation.....and if the CEO of Exxon doesnt want it near him...that tells you something...and its not just about property values.....theyre going too far...too fast without the proper safety tests being put into place.....but hey....just because you dont believe reports, or records...thats fine....go with the flow.... 16 mins · Like .. Jerry Nickles typical attitude by the rich, go make noise near someone elses house but not mine! Fracking does nothing that can not be fixed by landscaping, just like the mines here in Florida. Once they are done, they are some of the most beautiful park areas here. You are just one of the Democrats that would rather send money to the enemy to buy their oil than to use our own. God help us if we disturb the poor little lizzards or frogs, lets continue to send trillions to the terrorists for their oil! 14 mins · Like · 1 .. Steve Henderson your ceo would not want a wind farm or cell tower or solar farm near him ether so your point is mute i have owned them 35 years now and am missing 0art of a finger on my left hand thanks to them picked up the peaces wrapped it in a rag my bro passed out carried him to my truck and drove us 30 miles to an hospital in taylorville 13 mins · Like .. OldMan River you are so full of it JN.....the CEO knows what the damage could do long term...and wants no part of it...and no...he wouldnt want a cell tower or a wind farm...hes an elitest...and he works for the petro interests...and you are delusional if you think landscaping would take care of things.....Destroy your water table and see wholl buy your property....le sigh.... 11 mins · Like .. Steve Henderson Jerry it seems its like arguing with nast peoloooosyyyy 9 mins · Like .. OldMan River lol...can always rely on tangenital name calling when youre given facts or info....but hey...go ahead.....waster off a ducks back.... 8 mins · Like ..Steve Henderson your facts are bs 7 mins · Like .. OldMan River and THAT is the other thing you can count on...given the facts and the citations...regardless of the source...your or theirs...youll still deny it.....every single time....never are consistent...Ill give you that! 6 mins · Like .. Steve Henderson my wells still pump salt water tell me where it comes from and then talk to me 5 mins · Like .. Jerry Nickles There you go Mr. Old River, I am full of it, full of your political party b.s., and efforts to destroy the United States by selling it to the enemy. I am full of it, full of love for my country and proud of it. You are just like the global warming i...See More 4 mins · Like · 1 .. Steve Henderson thanks Jerry you are dead on hes just trolling for his fuehrer 3 mins · Like .. OldMan River salt water is fine...a natural product taken from the sub strata of the area...its the fluids in use now that are ruining the water we go....JN....sorry to burst your bubble....its notpolitical party BS...its scientific fact and research....I suppose you like the idea of the pipeline cutting across this country...being shipped to////where???Why Port ship the tar China and Russia......and we get none of the profits? I guess I was just a plant for the cong while I was a guest in Phu Ly? eh?......and its not global warming...its climate change...a natural occurrence....but something we should do to slow it down...Im fine up here in the north woods...Ive adjusted to -40 temps...and thats not wind chill....but I notice that the folks down south...where Im from...are having a wee bit longer winter...but once again...doesnt matter to me...and trolling? no...not trolling...just pointing out a different viewpoint...with facts and citations thrown in for good measure...but there we go with the piece de resistance...da fueher! Wow.....just wow!...... 2 secs · Like ..
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:48:50 +0000

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