any one that knows me knows that i am a Wiccan. i make no point in - TopicsExpress


any one that knows me knows that i am a Wiccan. i make no point in hiding it but today people I know and respect decided that today Wiccan is a satanic cult or some other garbage like that so Im going to decide my faith... my religion in very loose terms that my grandfather,who was a minister though he never practiced publicly , explained it to me when I was not yet a teenager : most men/ woman (not all can agree in a higher power. whether it be in a form of a god or a goddess. They are the ones we credit for bringing forth life. Then we have the earth where we as a human kind reside but in Wicca the earth is the mother. She gave us life and bares us food and shelter and when our life is over we return to her. our spirits or souls go fourth to the summerland (heaven). now like in everything else where there is a light there must be a dark though it is discouraged to practices those things because we are bound by a simple law : Harm None, and for everything you do it comes back three fold. Loosely this called Karma. Now does this explain everything No not really but it was told to me just this way by my Grandfather before I decided what path I wanted to follow. And again this is a very loose definition but by all means this does not come close to what people think when it comes to dark cults . If you would like to understand more please do your research before assuming that you know about someones else religion or faith. Normally I wouldnt try to educate people who dont have an open mind But it bothered me enough to try.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:49:46 +0000

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