archives OTIENO SAT NEXT TO A BEAUTIFUL LADY IN A CITTI-HOPPA THIS MORNING ON HIS WAY TO WORK* OTIENO: Excuse my intrusion but you radiate aesthetics in amounts that cannot be ignored. what is the alphabetical arrangement that denotes ur existance? MWENDWA: eeeeeeeh? OTIENO: what is ur name? MWENDWA: miss purity mwendwa....and u? OTIENO: let me bombard u with my business card as it summarises my existance ... and salvages my vocal cords from having to explain too much about myself. here take! MWENDWA: (after reading it) awww, hello Mr. Allan otieno OTIENO: There is an avalanche of allan otienos in this planet, please, distinguish me from the others as depicted by the card. that is as Engineer(phd).Allan otieno, executive director: falcons Limited. MWENDWA: ok engineer allan. how do u do? OTIENO: with a fresh mercedes waiting for me at the mombasa ports, a samsung galaxy III, a bungalow at my rural home and a house in greenview nairobi id say im not doing bad MWENDWA: i meant how are u this morning? OTIENO: aww this morning i only have the samsung galaxy III 20k worth of rolex residing on my arm and this ksh.42K worth of D&G suit that is embedded on my nutritioned physique. so inshort i am not doing very well this morning MWENDWA: ok, whatever.... OTIENO: so can i insure ur throat against dryness via coffee this evening at Java, section(near the windows) MWENDWA: no not today. i already have a date in the evening, maybe another time OTIENO: i can deduce that u have already secured and individual to whom u are going to expose to the contents of ur pelvic area. please read that business card again and dygest the calibre of the individual currently in pursuit of ur genitalias before u relay your earlier sentiments again MWENDWA: No thank u, i already have a boyfriend and i am not looking for another one OTIENO: then lady, please permit ur posterior to reside in another seat that is in far proximity to my seat or i will be forced to contact my lawyers so that they can sue u and your lungs for inhaling (without my consent) my 500 dollar perfume that is currently being emmited by my presence.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 14:02:10 +0000

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