>> arrive at airport at 5:10 AM >> 6:00 AM flight to Melbourne - TopicsExpress


>> arrive at airport at 5:10 AM >> 6:00 AM flight to Melbourne gets cancelled >> flight rebooked for 1:00 PM >> go to unnamed special friends house to nap >> arrive back at airport at 12:30 PM >> security removes my bag from scanner, rifles through contents, removes keys and notifies me police are en route >> Australian Federal Police arrive, ask me to join them in the search room >> advise me that my pink, sparkly pepper spray on my keychain is an illegal weapon, confiscate and issue me with warning, we all share a laugh >> miss flight >> rebook flight for 8:30 PM tonight >> pay rebooking fee >> stare deeply into croissant and question my life choices >> post Facebook status I will be able to laugh about this one day.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:05:48 +0000

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