as I bask in the warm glow of all the kind birthday wishes ... I - TopicsExpress


as I bask in the warm glow of all the kind birthday wishes ... I reflect on this whole getting older thing and Im driven to wax philosophical ... because a few people (some of them even seriously) have commented on my not appearing as old as the calendar says I am (yes, 47 for those who have not done the math) ... which is very flattering but also probably not to be unexpected since Im a male and not subject to anywhere near the unreasonable expectations put upon my appearance as the other half of the species ... but does how I look really carry any weight ... how do I feel? I have been thinking ever since I started this transition into middle age that I dont feel as old as I am ... and then I started to think as this anniversary of my birth approached that of course I dont feel old, I have no idea what it feels like to be old. I can only imagine that when I was so much younger looking at the older people in my life I must have been imaging what it felt like to be older and Ive held onto those personal concepts and now Im trying to apply them to myself and it just doesnt work. So, I think I sort of own an apology to so many people in my life over the years who were middle aged when I was in my teens and 20s (and I suppose into my 30s?) for projecting some negative expectations on life at this age in which I now find myself. Seriously, other than being tired more than I was in my teens, 20s and 30s, this really is nowhere near as bad as Im pretty sure I thought it would be all those years ago. Lets continue to enjoy this journey, remember that we ARE only as old as we FEEL and so lets focus on feeling great, having fun, loving life and embracing everything as it comes! (how was that for a birthday waxing of philosophical?)
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 01:13:09 +0000

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