as i was nominated by both of #mazher & #bashar ...ok guyzz here - TopicsExpress


as i was nominated by both of #mazher & #bashar ...ok guyzz here it is ....... :) Name :jawad al Rafiq siyam Birthday:12th January 1. Last beverage :Tea 2. Last phone call :ammu 3. Last text message : Prince 4. Last song :ভালোবেসে সখি নিভৃত যতনে 5. Last time you cried:after raod accident in 6. Dated someone twice:No 7. Been cheated on : Yes 8. Kissed someone & regretted it :Not yet :/ 9. Lost someone special:vabteo voy lage 10. Been depressed :Yes 11. Been drunk : No LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12.Red 13.white SINCE LAST YEAR (2013), HAVE YOU: 15. Made a new friend :yes,a lot 16. Fallen out of love : No 17. Laughed until you cried : No 18. Met someone who changed you :try korsilo,pare nai 19. Found out who your true friends were :Yes 20. Found out someone was talking about you :Yes 21. Kissed anyone on your FB friends list :Lol, nah 22. How many people on your FBfriends list do you know in real life :A lot of people 24. Do you have any pets : No 25. Do you want to change your name : Nope 26. What did you do for your last birthday :cake katsilam 27. What time did you wake up today :7.25 >_< 28. What were you doing last night :chatting on whats app nd Fb 29. Whats something you cant wait for :anything exciting 30. Last time you saw your mother :ajk barisal jaoar age akta kiss dilo kopale ^_^ 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life :could restart my life 32. What are you listening to right now :picchi bontar gan 33. Have you ever talked to a person namedTom? :Nope :/ 34. Whats getting on your nerves right now :ammur jhari miss kortesi 35. Most visited webpages : Facebook 37. Nickname(s) :jawad/siyam/kiam/chiyam 38. Relationship Status :ai phase tar Nam jani na 39. Zodiac Sign : Capricorn 40. He or She : She 41. Elementary :Towhid institute,agargaon 42. High School :uttara high school 43. College : Adamjee 44. Hair color :black may b 45. Long or short hair : I prefer short but a little Smarty cut 46. Height : 59 47. Do you have a crush on someone? :yap,eid er 2nd day sec 13 er akta Meyer upore,fuchka khaitesilo.. 48. What do you like about yourself ? :I can dlt anything from my brain,anything even u at anytime 50. Tattoo ? : No 51. Righty or Lefty : Righty 59. Eating : no 60. Drinking : No 61. Im about to :Test er jonno pora start korbo,bt koi thk aitai thik korte partesi na :( 62. Doing : Status ta likhtesi 63. Waiting for :Sunday Ammu ashbe YOUR FUTURE : 64. Want kids ? : Yes,twins ^_^ 65. Get Married ? : Yes 66. Career ? : no idea,defense e hoile valo hoito WHICH IS BETTER : 67. Lips or Eyes : Eyes 68. Hugs or Kisses : Hug 69. Shorter or taller : Depends 70. Older or Younger :Depends 71. Romantic or Spontaneous :Onkei bole um the most unromantic person they ever met.. 72. Nice stomach or nice arms : Both 73. Sensitive or Loud : Sensitive 74. Hook-up or Relationship : Relationship 75. Funny or Shy ?:Shy 76. Kissed a stranger :Nope 77. Drank hard liquor : No 80. Broke someones heart : No 81. Had your own heart broken : Yes 82. Been arrested :Hm,onkbar Vice city te :D :D 83. Turned someone down : Yes 84. Cried when someone died :Nope..akhono fav keu k Allah ney nai,thanks to Him DO YOU BELIEVE IN : 86. Yourself : Yes 87. Miracles : Yes 88. Love at first sight : Bujhte pari nai either it was love or crush 89. Heaven : Yes 90. Santa Clause : Age gift(iPhone 6 holei cholbe) :p dao,thn Ill blv 91. The tooth fairy:dont know :/ 92. Angels : nope As I dont lyk to tag someone so who lykes this status copy this nd give ur ans nd put it as ur status
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:03:48 +0000

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