as most of you know this yrs reunion would be the 5th one to - TopicsExpress


as most of you know this yrs reunion would be the 5th one to celebrate and as getting posts out the Henrick site I have been taken off and blocked for what reason I have no idea in order to handle matters and get the word out of where and when a reunion will occour. I was told by individuals that there is drama ...... I put this reunion together in 2010 so folks could have a great time of reuniting with spirit and it is now the 5th yr to hold a reunion. folks have made remarks about theyre are not coming because of the so called Drama and I got really bashed and sat back and let those who hose to step into what ever it was that occoured and rolled it deeper and deeper and I never responded to all that mess. I have worked hard and diligently to organize these events and do this right and by the books- receipts log booklet, insurance blgds to keep weather elements from taking away from this day trying to have responsible help me put these events together instead the help I had the first two yrs did the wrong things by the alumni and then I no longer worked with them and to get bashed on facebook and at the james street tavern episodes. The monies that where raised were and are always have been for the H.J.Krebs Alumni events. i was accused of removing people from this site, which I never did i have been straight forward and honest from the get go. I have had the alumnis best interest from the begginning no one else stepped up and started these events and yet when people who do the wrong things get pats on the back like its there show or something I dont undrstand this. I ordered shirts last yr to generate money for this yr what happens issues about the shirts come up it wasnt a tug of war- it is about shirts that have official logos to generate money for events the other shirts where made and no monies were given from those shirts- $25.00 was handed over at the reunion for the space they wanted to rent and it was put into the donations thats the truth so if you want to bash me go ahead but please remember there has been a human being on this side and have tried to the best of my ability to give the Alumni a sense of belonging. Am sorry if anyone got offended or wanted me to react to all that mess and I have tried to do the right this in the best interest of all the Alumni. So if you want a reunion and wish to attend then let me know please and I will let you know as well thanks for all these previous events apprently something went right to make folks smile.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 18:49:11 +0000

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