as some of you might know from a post over a week ago on the - TopicsExpress


as some of you might know from a post over a week ago on the passing of Walt Piegonski, i would like to comment after a packet was received from his sister and mother yesterday. it contained a seventeen page paper he wrote about himself called the man who saw the future on 9/10. the story reveals testing on him in his early days showing what we all knew was his creativity but in all actuality was genius, he was sought after doing his first testing for research on human and abstract reasoning. in my knowing him, he did not utilize nor share this information for fear of not being accepted although a choice few of us knew this. what happened many years later and prior to his writing was further testing for research on the paranormal and the understanding of the human mind by a number of universities. but what he fell into was being stereotyped, a brilliant mind trapped, not socially accepted and medicated as a mental illness. in his later years he struggled what for some would seem like darkness and according to his family he never complained, was quite appreciative for his parents who sheltered him from the world. he had many labels to his seemingly diagnosed illnesses, OCD, ADD, bipolar, delusions, etc. sadly, the medications took their tool on his once lovely heart to control his genius thoughts and if the heart rules the brain, it controlled his end. reading this paper brought tears to my eyes and what i even saw at thirteen years old in him, he influenced whom i am today. we were connected in more ways than one. he had a collection of antiques that gave him joy, me? a collection i protected that i have been given and will live beyond me with stories attached. one thing he had purchased was a pic of Marilyn Monroes later stand in framed in an antique frame that his family said looked liked me. he lived in the past, i didnt, pushed aside the bad that occurred after i left California and those who blamed me for his behavior in what they thought was reactions to our separation. so apparently i knew more but no one listened until my mother was told in 2009 and she didnt share til her end in 2012. all those years of guilt when it was what i shared upon my return. but who will appreciate his story now? he never had a substantial relationship after i left California. he didnt experience the love i have, especially the love for my sons nor the experience of rejection really. did he complain? no. i hope what the studies learned from him benefits those thought to be ill, some of the most brilliant are considered the crazy. i see myself in his writing and i dont know that it scares me a bit, perhaps as he learned about himself, that pained him in the end. while i was out in the world making mistakes, comparing all to him, it now heals me to hear about him and to tie together our lessons. like separated twins at birth, we were more alike and parallel than i would have admitted over all these years. in death, life is for the living. i have heard nice stories about you from people who remembered how kind you were to them...they were a few of the ones who werent accepted too, that is how i will remember you. i always believed you would be somebody and would kid you to remember us little people and that we would say, i knew you when after this read i can say, i knew you when...what a beautiful Mind, Butch, my Peter Pan and not in vain. the truth can set you free.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 15:44:34 +0000

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