...as w0man we g0 thru al0t...u knw,descns we shld make,thngs we - TopicsExpress


...as w0man we g0 thru al0t...u knw,descns we shld make,thngs we shld accpt..we get hurt s0 many tyms,nd itz our ch0ice 2 hang on or let g0...itz s0 hard 2 let g0,bt thnk abt it,it nly makez us str0ngr..sumtyms we shld knw wen 2 keep quiet nd leave thngs as it iz..dars tye wat dt vnz in nz gsgte glieg w0rd,bt cuz we s0 inluv we knw itz a lie bt we blve...we hide bhnd a smile the hurt we g0in thru,cuz we afraid of the questnz...bt 2 al the guys the day ur lady says en0ugh iz en0ugh,and the day her tears r dried up...she iz g0na leave ur ass...s0 thnk back nd ask urslf am i treatn my lady rght nd if u aint,get ur sht 2gthr nd make thngs rght...yes she can luv u s0 much bt we as w0man can nly handl en0ugh sht....2 say weet j wat i had it!!hav a luvly sunday!!*
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 11:55:22 +0000

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