aslamwalaikum,there are some things i just cant understand,i hope - TopicsExpress


aslamwalaikum,there are some things i just cant understand,i hope some one can explain them to me,why are we using our energy and time to attack people who dont pactice islam like us,and why are we calling us every thing else then muslim,who belive that there is only one allah and prophet muhammad sws pbuh is his last prophet,and we are followers,of last holly book quran and sunaat e rasool sws pbuh.simply that is our belife,and we,ll try our best to follow that,and thats what islam is,but i,m very sorry to say that most of us call our self muslims but in reality are fare away from teachings of islam,love care respect equalaty not only that selv respect knowing doing things we are doing and preaching to others when we self are in delama because of all the good is not there only hate is left to each other and where all this comes from the people we trust most our lso they can eaders who should show us the only way right way,but instead for there own ambitions fill our heads with hate first they creat grupes give them names like deoband ahle hadees sunni shia salfi and all the others and start there project brain washing,it was easy a large majority of new muslims were a easy target,things dont stand still as we grow then there were people who could see all the damage they have done,but centurys after we are what they wanted,divided in groups and we are still on the same way,because nothing changed there has allways been people like them,but now its unbelive able we are still the same but with more hate they are still able to keep us in boxes,and making us to commet crime against inosent peoples,we are sending young boys on suiside missions and telling them they will go to jannat,because they will be shaheed,no he took his on life and at same time killed innosent people he will end in jahanum these are the words of allah,and on the other hand they got big houses with guards,they dont go out of there home without there bodyguards,and what are they telling us each and every day its only allah who give and take life,alhamduallah we have that beleaf but not them,they dont belive what they preech,but most importent is to prees the hate butten out,and do what we should do by now we should know about so called leaders,they have no monopole thanks allah many of our young know what islam is and they are not doing for money or name big houses or big ego,they are doing for there own sake,they have fear and enjoy ment at same time to do the work of allah and live there life accourding to quran and sunat e rasool sws,and the fear they have is keeping them down on the earth,because no matter what that is our home,until the judgment day,may allah forgive our sins,ameen
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 23:57:26 +0000

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