astonishing documentary detailing the depredations endured by - TopicsExpress


astonishing documentary detailing the depredations endured by those interned at a so-called hospital in Staten Island. As a person living with a few invisible disabilities myself, this is all quite personal. ADDENDUM: To all my friends and comrades who are living in the United Kingdom, I would strongly suggest you struggle against any policy of privatising the NHS, (as imperfect an institution she* may be) for this could well be the future of any health-care system organised around for-profit lines, Which is to say, the needs of those with limited economic provender, shall quickly be begging for crumbs off the masters table.** The saddest thing about this whole sordid mess is that it could have clearly been prevented, if state budget priorities had been organised around more humane lines. (my admittedly dilettante-level knowledge of basic economics compels me to add that public expenditure on large-scale human infrastructure projects is by far the quickest form of economic stimulus. A roundabout way of saying that in the name of saving money,the Sovereign State of New York assuredly lost considerable money by not properly funding her mental health-system, to say nothing of the obvious human-rights abuses.) Finally not to sound flippant, but arent New York working-class voices lovely to the ear. Such unpretentious self-evident dignity is positively musical to someone (Gil) who must live around flat, ugly, more Canadian-than-Canadian Wisconsin accents*** all the bloody time. *All nationalised health-care systems are grrls, did you not know that? ** If Uncle Joe Stalin could constantly utilise biblical references, so I can I. ***Wisconsinites who insist that they dont got no accent should consult any decent website specialising in regional philology/dialectology. You have an accent. Get over yourself. NOW.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 16:31:01 +0000

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