astronomically, when a planet is described as retrograde, it means - TopicsExpress


astronomically, when a planet is described as retrograde, it means that the planet appears to be moving backwards compared to its regular trek across our skies. its not actually moving backwards--an optical illusion occurs, due to the differing speeds at which we and the retrograde planet orbit our sun. (much like a slower moving car on a highway appears to be moving backwards when we pass it.) astrologically, when a planet goes retrograde, we have an intensifying of those energies ruled by the planet, and their influence on our lives may seem to be going awry, but are really encouraging us to be more reflective on these traits, and a period of growth in these areas is strongly encouraged. mercury, the planet of communication and the processing and sharing of information, is going to turn retrograde from june 7 to july 2. there are many different interpretations out there on what this means for us astrologically, but sara varcass blog here is among the best ive read. if youre interested in learning more, i suggest reading this. and i encourage your feedback and discussion on these matters that will be affecting us all here in a few short days. peace and love and light to you, my dear friends. i sure love the hell out of you ;-)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 03:31:55 +0000

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