at the roadside: do you suspect me of committing a crime? I - TopicsExpress


at the roadside: do you suspect me of committing a crime? I dont consent to searches. Am I being detained. I dont answer questions. Let the cop do his thing and take care of it later in court. if you have an ID or a drivers license and want to show it, do so. if you dont have one, the cop will not find that unique. he will just write you a ticket. Try to return the ticket to the clerk of court. She will not take it but you have tried to settle it in private and now is the time to appear in statutory court and flip it to the common law side if you are capable. If you are not, and even if you are, you should file a claim of trespass against the policeman before you go to court. If you are put in a cage and hauled into court then write a note. You never write to judge Smithers. You write to Bob, Greetings. Write a really simple little letter. and hand it to the prosecutor and the judge and the court clerk when you first go to the court house.. Basically it just says, you say I owe money, that I owe a debt, are you going to bring the plaintiff forward to make the claim. If no man comes forward to verify a claim against me I require this case discharged. There are also other ways to go about this, other notices to write. This was just one.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 15:08:42 +0000

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