at times lately i find myself complaining more than i give - TopicsExpress


at times lately i find myself complaining more than i give thanks... yes life is unfair and it is hard at the moment because i am not sure which way to turn, but i am thankful for the air i breathe... i am thankful for my salvation, i am thankful for a roof over my head and a friend who opened her home and her life up to me Aisha Banks, i am thankful for healthy food to eat, i am thankful for two legs to walk, and a mind that has a lot of knowledge that no one can take away! i am thankful that no matter our circumstances i can still pour love, hope, peace and joy into others, if at times it is just a simple smile... i am thankful God alone is my judge and He will give me direction and loves me with agape love...i am thankful that He alone is my healer, my vindicator, my rock and my hope... and that no weapon formed against me will prosper, that He has made us more than overcomers, and we are the head and not the tail... today i am choosing to be thankful and praise Him in the storm... i saw so many people this weekend that have no bed to sleep in, no legs to walk, no hope at all, and my heart was broken for them, because i understand their pain... out of great trials and tests a bigger testimony is built... so i am thankful for what i do have. i am thankful my children have a home, and a dad who loves them, and am thankful i was able to give them life... i am thankful ahead of time that God is going to pour His spirit of wisdom on me and show me what to do with all that i see and hear... and i am calling people into my life that speak encouragement. Let me encourage you today, be thankful! praise Him through the storms, get excited the enemy is trying to shove you down and tell him to back off your God is begger than the boogie man... smile at someone today you never know what they are going through... aisha i am thankful for you, for teaching me things i never saw before, for challenging me to broaden my horizons and not see everything through a rose colored glass... you are awesome....
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:20:17 +0000

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