atlanteanconspiracy/2013/...atrix.html Dr. Cleve Backster more - TopicsExpress


atlanteanconspiracy/2013/...atrix.html Dr. Cleve Backster more recently performed this experiment with a distance of 350 miles between the donor and his cells. Even at this extreme distance, in experiments gauged by an atomic clock, the donor and his cells still responded absolutely identically, simultaneously! The fact that a donor and his DNA 350 miles away have such coincident responses suggests that the energy of the donor’s emotions doesn’t “travel” anywhere but is already everywhere, as demonstrated by Bohm’s holographic universe metaphor. This experiment also grants credence to such practices as prayer and energy healing, showing that emotion and intention can produce measurable physiological results at any distance. The third relevant study conducted around this time was performed at the Institute of HeartMath in Northern California. Scientists began by isolating human DNA in glass beakers then exposed them to “coherent emotion” which is an intentionally created physiological state achieved by practicing specially designed mental/emotional self-management techniques such as meditation and deep breathing. Volunteers trained in applying coherent emotion directed it towards the glass beakers and actually succeeded in changing both the physical and chemical structures of the DNA! Different directed intentions produced varying effects on the DNA molecules causing them to wind or unwind, change shape or even separate atomic/chemical components.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 03:27:11 +0000

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