aug 31 2013 Eras forsaken by humans who had or have forgotten - TopicsExpress


aug 31 2013 Eras forsaken by humans who had or have forgotten their ancestors, led astray by whims of the day and stripped of a broader perspective teach us grave lessons. When we consider our lives and current times in the context of people who came before us, and people who will come after us, the breaths we take and all the efforts we make, take on a dichotomously infinitesimal And profoundly weighted quality. Not to make us feel unworthy or futile or overly encumbered to ‘carry the torch’, but serve to humble us as we attempt to perceive the ‘big picture’ that we are all very much a part of. What you and I do everyday matters to us and to the history of humankind. But we are grains of sand in the grand scope of existence. And that smallness allows us to shed any gross vanities or illusions of our particular importance, relieving us of blind egotism. Considering amid an infinite timeline, these questions arise: What can i do Today that will serve the people that come after me, and in what ways may i honor my ancestors (Today), who made my path easier? If i start my days off in this way, I will be less attached to the struggles and victories that burden with expectation. For knowing so many others before me and after me have also trudged up and will trudge up steepening mountainsides, lightens my load. My labors and triumphs are important, yes... but Correspondingly, so are others’ labors and triumphs, living and deceased. This knowledge, a universal equalizer, lets me know that i am not alone And only as important as someone else.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 22:43:31 +0000

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