author: Oni Kirwin.. Forum: Fiji Native and Tribal - TopicsExpress


author: Oni Kirwin.. Forum: Fiji Native and Tribal Congress FIJI IS NOW A SECULAR STATE- CHRIST HAS BEEN THROWN OUT OF FIJI SO TODAY I HAVE INFORMED THE MINISTER FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS JULIE BISHOP, AND THE SHADOW MINISTER, TANYA PLIBERSEK, IN THE AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN CANBERRA THAT AUSTRALIA WILL NEED TO BE ON FULL ALERT FOR WHAT COULD POTENTIALLY TAKE PLACE IN FIJI IF THE 45 FIJIAN SOLDIERS ARE KILLED IN SYRIA, WHETHER BY BEHEADING OR BY THE FIRING SQUAD. FOR ONLY GOD KNOWS WHAT THEIR DEATHS COULD TRIGGER IN THE HEARTS AND MINDS OF NATIVE FIJIANS IN FIJI. AND THERE ARE 300,000 INDIANS LIVING IN FIJI, WHOSE LIVES WILL NEED TO BE PROTECTED FROM THE WRATH OF NATIVE FIJIANS. FOR BLOOD BEGETS BLOOD! When this happens, the view expressed by the Colonial Office, London, prior to Fiji’s Independence in 1970 would become a reality: “THIS COULD PRODUCE AN EXTREMELY SERIOUS INTERNAL SECURITY SITUATION, IN WHICH WE (BRITAIN) SHOULD HAVE DIFFICULTY IN PROTECTING THE INDIAN COMMUNITY.” Hence, it is in the best interest of all concerned that the fate of Fiji be not left to chance, as lamented on by Sir Leslie Monson (October, 1969; reflective of Julian Amery, 1960), deputy under-secretary of state at the FCO whose departmental responsibilities included the Pacific and Indian Ocean, WE WILL NOT IN THE END BE ABLE TO JUSTIFY, EITHER IN CONSCIENCE, OR IN POLITICAL TERMS, IN OUR OWN COUNTRY, A SOLUTION THAT DOES NOT ENSURE THAT INDEPENDENCE WILL LEAVE FIJIANS IN CONTROL...IF FIJIANS DID NOT GET PARAMOUNTCY THE RISK IS THAT THEY WILL TAKE BY FORCE AND BY UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEANS THAT WHICH THEY CONSIDER TO BE THEIRS... Sir Robert Foster in 1970 penned his last dispatch as governor of Fiji.... “One is therefore bound to regret that in effect a TIME BOMB will lie buried in the new Constitution, and to pray that it may be defused before exploding... THAT TIME BOMB IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE NOW !!! Tomorrow I will speak to the New Zealand Government also and put them on full alert. We must pray like weve never prayed before, and fast as well. For it can never be discounted that native Fijians have the ability, if we are so minded, to create an intolerable security situation at such a time as this. Even more so now, after 8 long years of being controlled and dictated to contemptuously and humiliatingly by a Muslim coup regime. The sight and smell of the blood of 45 Fijian soldiers spilling in the streets of Syria by Muslim terrorists, and their body parts scattered to the winds, will more than likely detonate the TIME BOMB buried in the despicable 2013 ‘mainstreaming’ Constitution. May the Lord Jesus Christ whom the Muslims have thrown out of Fiji, continue to hear our prayer and save us in our darkest hour, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 07:42:13 +0000

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