ayodhyAM tu samAlokya chintayAmAsa rAghavaH | priyakAmaH priyaM - TopicsExpress


ayodhyAM tu samAlokya chintayAmAsa rAghavaH | priyakAmaH priyaM rAmastatastvaritavikramam ayodhyaaM tu samaalokya chintayaamaasa raaghavaH | priyakaamaH priyaM raamastatastvaritavikramaH || 6-125-1 1. samaaloky = looking at; ayodhyaam = Ayodhya; raamaH = Rama; raaghavaH = born in Raghu dynasty; tvarita vikramaH = who was quick in exhibiting prowess; priyakaamaH = who wished to do a kindly act; chintayaamaasa = contemplated; tataH = thereupon; priyam = to do a kindly act. Looking at Ayodhya, Rama, a scion of Raghu dynasty, for his part, who wished to do a kindly act and who was quick in exhibiting prowess, contemplated thereupon to do a kindly act. Verse Locator chintayitvA tato dR^iShTiM vAnareShu nyapAtayat | uvAcha dhImAMstejasvI hanUmantaM plava~Ngamam || 6-125-2 2. chintayitvaa = having contemplated; dhiimaan tejasvii = the sagacious and the glorious Rama; tataH = then; nyapaatayat = cast; dR^iShTim = his glimpse; vaanareShu = on the monkeys; uvaacha = and spoke; hanuumantam = to Hanuma; plavaN^gamma = the monkey. Having thus contemplated, the sagacious and the glorious Rama then cast his glimpse on the monkeys and spoke to Hanuma, the monkey (as follows): Verse Locator ayodhyAM tvarito gachchha kShipraM tvaM plavagottama | jAnIhi kachchitkushalI jano nR^ipatimandire || 6-125-3 3. plavaga sattama = O the foremost of the monkeys!; gatvaa = going; tvaritaH shiighraH = with all speed; ayodhyaam = to Ayodhya; jaaniihi = find out; janaH kushalii kachchit = whether the people there are sage; nR^ipatimandire = in the royal palace. O the foremost of the monkeys! Going with all speed to Ayodhya, find out whether the people there, are safe in the royal palace. Verse Locator shR^i~NgaverapuraM prApya guhaM gahanagocharam | niShAdAdhipatiM brUhi kushalaM vachanAnmama || 6-125-4 4. praapya = reaching; shR^iN^ga berapuram = Shringaberapura; bruuhi = communicate; kushalam = about my welfare; mama vachanaat = in my name; guha = to Guha; niShaadaadhipatim = the king of Nishadas; a wild tribe; gahanagocharam = who lives in the forest. Reaching then to Shrigaberapura, communicate in my name, about my welfare to Guha, the king of Nishadas, a wild tribe living in the forest. Verse Locator shrutvA tu mAM kushalinamarogaM vigatajvaram | aviShyati guhaH prItaH sa mamAtmasamaH sakhA || 6-125-5 5. guhaH = Guha; bhaviShayti = will be; priitaH = pleased; shrutvaa = in hearing; maam = about me; aatmasamaH = as well as my own self. Guha will be pleased to hear about me, as being safe, healthy and free from trouble. He is my friend, as well as my own self. Verse Locator ayodhyAyAshcha te mArgaM pravR^ittiM bharatasya cha | nivedayiShyati prIto niShAdAdhipatirguhaH || 6-125-6 6. priitaH = feeling pleased; guhaH = Guha; niShaadaadhipatiH = the lord of Nishadas; the wild tribe; nivedayiShyati = will tell; te = you; maargam = the path; ayodhyaayaaH = to Ayodhya; pravR^ittimcha = and the news; bharatasya = about Bharata. Feeling pleased, Guha, the lord of Nishadas, the wild tribe, will tell the path to Ayodhya and the news about Bharata. Verse Locator bharatastu tvayA vAchyaH kushalaM vachanAnmama | siddhArthaM shaMsa mAM tasmai sabhAryaM sahalakShmaNam || 6-125-7 7. bharataH tu = Bharata too; vaachyaH = is to be asked by you; mama vachanaat = in my name; kushalam = the news about his welfare; shamsa = tell; tasmai = him; maam = that me; sabhaaryam sahalakShmaNam = along with my wife and Lakshmana; siddhaartham = have accomplished on object. Bharata too is to be asked by you, the news about his welfare, in my name. Tell him of me as having returned, accomplished of our object, with my consort and Lakshmana. Verse Locator haraNaM chApi vaidehyA rAvaNena balIyasA | sugrIveNa cha saMvAdaM vAlinashcha vadhaM raNe || 6-125-8 8. (shamsa) = tell him; haraNam = about the abduction; vaidehyaaH = of Seetha; baliiyasaa raavaNena = by the mighty Ravana; samvaadamcha = my conversation; sugriiveNa = with Sugreeva; vadham = and the killing; vaalinaH = of Vali; rane = in combat. Tell him about the abduction of Seetha by the mighty Ravana, my conversation with Sugreeva and the killing of Vali in combat. Verse Locator maithilyanveShaNaM chaiva yathA chAdhigatA tvayA | la~NghayitvA mahAtoyamApagApatimavyayam || 6-125-9 9. (Tell him) maithiliyanveShaNam chaiva = also about the search for Seetha; yathaa = and how; adhigataa = she was traced out; tvayaa = by you; laN^ghayitvaa = in crossing; avyayam aapagaapatim = the never-diminishing ocean; mahaatoyam = with extensive waters. Tell him also about the search for Seetha and how she was traced out by you, after crossing the never-diminishing ocean, having extensive waters. Verse Locator upayAnaM samudrasya sAgarasya cha darshanam | yathA cha kAritaH setU rAvaNashcha yathA hataH || 6-125-10 10. (Tell him) upayaanam = about our going near; samudrasya = the ocean; darshanamcha = the appearance; saagarasya = of the ocean; yathaa = how; setuH = the bridge; kaaritaH = was constructed; yathaa = and how; raavaNashcha = Ravana; hataH = was killed. Tell him about our going near the ocean, the appearance of the ocean, how the bridge was constructed there and how Ravana was killed. Verse Locator varadAnaM mahendreNa brahmaNA varuNena cha | mahAdevaprasAdAchcha pitrA mama samAgamam || 6-125-11 11. (Tell him) varadaanam = about the bestowal of boons; mahendreNa = by Indra the lord of celestials; brahmaNaa = by Brahma the lord of creation; varuNena = and by Varuna the lord of waters; maama samaagamam = my meeting; pitaa = with my (deceased) father; mahaadevaprasaadena = through the grace of Shiva; the Supreme Deity. Tell him about the bestower of boons by Indra the lord of celestials, by brahma the lord of creation, and by Varuna the lord of waters, my meeting with my (deceased) father, through the grace of Shiva the Supreme Deity. Verse Locator upayaataM cha maaM saumya bharataaya nivedaya | saha raakShasaraajena hariiNaamiishvareNa cha || 6-125-12 12. saumya = O gently Hanuma!; nivedaya = inform; bharataaya = to Bharata; maam = of me; upayaatam = as having come near; raakShasaraajena saha = along with Vibhishana; iishvareNa hariiNaam = and Sugreeva the lord of monkeys. O gentle Hanuma! Inform to Bharata, of me as having come near Ayodhya, along with Vibhishana and Sugreeva the lord of monkeys. Verse Locator jitvA shatrugaNAnrAmaH prApya chAnuttamaM yashaH | upayAti samR^iddhArthaH saha mitrairmahAbalaH || 6-125-13 13. (Tell him) raamaH = (that) Rama; upaayaati = is coming; jitvaa = having conquered; shatrugaNaam = hosts of enemies; praapyacha = having obtained; anuttamaam yashaH = an excellent fame; samR^iddhaarthaH = having accomplished his purpose; mahaabalaiH mitraiH saha = along with his mighty friends. Tell him, that having conquered hosts of enemies and obtained an excellent fame, is purpose having been accomplished, Rama is coming near, with is mighty friends. Verse Locator etachchhrutvA yamAkAraM bhajate bharatastataH | sa cha te veditavyaH syAtsarvaM yachchApi mAM prati || 6-125-14 14. saH cha = it is also; veditavyaH = to be known; te = by you; aakaaram = the facial expression; yan = which; bhajate = he obtained; shrutvaa = after having heard; etat = this; sarvam = all; yachchaapi = syaat = that he intends to do; maam prati = in relation to me. It is also to be observed by you, about the facial expression which Bharata wears, after hearing all this and also all that he intends to do in relation to me. Verse Locator GYeyAH sarve cha vR^ittAntA bharatasye~NgitAni cha | tattvena mukhavarNena dR^iShTyA vyAbhAShaNena cha || 6-125-15 15. sarvecha = all; vR^ittaantaaH = the occurances; JNeyaaH = are to be known; mukhavarnena = by the colour of his face; dR^iShTyaa = by his glances; vyaabhaaShitena = and by his speech; iN^gitaani = gestures; bharatasya = of Bharata; tattvataH = are to be really; jJNeyaaH = known. All the occurrences there are to be known. All the gestures of Bharata are to be ascertained through the colour of his face, glances and the speech. Verse Locator sarvakAmasamR^iddhaM hi hastyashvarathasa~Nkulam | pitR^ipaitAmahaM rAjyaM kasya nAvartayenmanaH || 6-125-16 16. kasya = whose; manaH = mind; na aavartayet = does not turn round; raajyam = with a kingdom; sarvakaama samR^iddham = abundantly rich in all coveted enjoyments; hastyashvaratha samkulam = teeming with elephants; horses and chariots; pitR^ipaitaamaham = and which is inherited from ones father? Whose mind does not turn round, with a kingdom abundantly rich in all coveted enjoyments, teeming with elephants horses and chariots and which is in herited from ones father? Verse Locator saMgatyA bharataH shrImAnrAjyenArthI svayaM bhavet | prashAstu vasudhAM sarvAmakhilAM raghunandanaH || 6-125-17 17. samgatyaa = having been associated (for long); raajyena = with the kingdom; bhavet shriimaan bharataH = if the illustrious Bharata; arthii = has a desire; svayam = for himself; raghunanadanaH = (let) Bharata; prashaastu = rule; sarvaam vasudhaam = the entire kingdom; akhilaam = in one piece. Having been associated with the kingdom for long, if the illustrious Bharata is longing for it himself, let Bharata rule the entire kingdom in one piece. Verse Locator tasya buddhiM cha viGYAya vyavasAyaM cha vAnara | yAvanna dUraM yAtAH smaH kShipramAgantumarhasi || 6-125-18 18. vaanara = O Hanuma!; viJNaaya = understanding; tasya = his; buddhim = mind; vyavasaayamcha = and perception; arhasi = you ought; aagantum = to come; kShipram = quickly; yaavat duuram na yaataa smaH = before we do not go for a long distance towards Ayodhya. O Hanuma! Understanding his mind and perception, you ought to return quickly, before we are not gone for a long distance towards Ayodhya. Verse Locator iti pratisamAdiShTo hanUmAnmArutAtmajaH | mAnuShaM dhArayanrUpamayodhyAM tvarito yayau || 6-125-19 19. iti = thus; pratisamaadiShTaH = commanded; hanuman = hanuma; maarutaatmajaH = the son of wind-god; dhaarayan = assuming; maanuSham ruupam = a human form; tvaritaH = swiftly; yayau = went; ayodhyaam = to Ayodhya. Assuming a human form, when thus commanded by Rama, Hanuma the son of wind-god, swiftly left for Ayodhya. Verse Locator athotpapaata vegena hanuumaan maarutaatmajaH | garutmaaniva vegena jighR^ikShan pannagottamam || 6-125-20 20. garutmaaniva = as Garuda the eagle; (flies) vegena = speedily; jighR^ikShan = with an intention to seize; pannagottamam = a large snake; maarutaatmajaH = Hanuma the son of wind-god; atha = then; utpapaata = flew up; vegena = with speed. Hanuma, the son of wind-god then flew up with speed towards Ayodhya, as Garuda the eagle would fly with speed, while seeking to catch a large snake. Verse Locator la~NghayitvA pitR^ipathaM bhujagendrAlayaM shubham | ga~NgAyamunayorbhImaM saMnipAtamatItya cha || 6-125-21 shR^i~NgaverapuraM prApya guhamAsAdya vIryavAn | sa vAchA shubhayA hR^iShTo hanUmAnidamabravIt || 6-125-22 21-22. laNghayitvaa = leaping; shubham pitR^ipatham = into the auspicious sky; vhagendraalayam = the dwelling place of birds; samatiitya = crossing over; bhiimam samaagamam = the terrific conjuction; gaN^gaayamunayoH = of Ganga and Yamuna rivers; praapya = reaching; shR^iNgaberapuram = the City of Shringabera; aasaadya = and approaching; guham = Guha; viiryavaan sah hanuumaan = that valiant hanuma hR^iShTaH = joyfully; abraviit = spoke; idam = the following words; shubhayaa vaachaa = in a charming voice: Leaping into the auspicious sky, the dwelling place of birds, duly crossing over the terrific conjunction of Ganga and Yamuna rivers, reaching Shringaverapura and approaching Guha (the chief of Nishadas), that valiant Hanuma spoke the following words in a charming voice: Verse Locator sakhA tu tava kAkutstho rAmaH satyaparAkramaH | sasItaH saha saumitriH sa tvAM kushalamabravIt || 6-125-23 23. saH raamaH = that Rama; tava sakhaa = your friend; kaakutthsaH = born in Kakutthsa dynasty; satya paraakramaH = who is true in his prowess; sa siitaH = along with Seetha; saha saumitriH = and Lakshmana; abraviit = enquired; tvaam kushalam = of your welfare. Along with Seetha and Lakshmana, Rama, your friend, that scion of Kakutthsa, of true prowess, has for his part enquired of your welfare. Verse Locator pa~nchamImadya rajanImuShitvA vachanAnmuneH | bharadvAjAbhyanuGYAtaM drakShyasyadyaiva rAghavam || 6-125-24 24. drakShyasi = you can see; raaghavam = Rama; adyaiva = here itself today; bharadvaajaanuJNaatam = when he has been duly permitted by Bharadwaja the sage; uShitvaa = after spending; muneH = vachanaat = at the instance of the sage; raajaniim = for a night; paN^chamiim = of the fifth lunar day (of the bright half of the month of Ashvayuja). You can see Rama here itself today, when he has been duly permitted by Bharadwaja the sage, after spending, at the instance of the sage, for a night of the fifth lunar day (of the bright half of the month of Ashvayuja). Verse Locator evamuktvA mahAtejAH samprahR^iShTatanUruhaH | utpapAta mahAvego vegavAnavichArayan || 6-125-25 25. vegavaan = that swift moving Hanuma; samprahR^iShTa tanuuruhah = with his rejoicingly feather-like body; mahaa tejaaH = and with a great splendor; avichaarayan = not thinking of his fatigue; utpapaata = sprang up; mahaavegaat = with a great speed. That swift-moving Hanuma, with his rejoicingly feather-like body and with a great splendor, not thinking of his fatigue, sprang up with a great speed. Verse Locator so.apashyadrAmatIrthaM cha nadIM vAlukinIM tathA | varuuthiiM gomatIM chaiva bhiimaM sAlavanaM tathA || 6-125-26 prajaashcha bahusaahasriiH sphiitaan janapadaanapi | 26. saH = Hanuma; apashyat = saw; raamatiirtham = Ramatirtha; a place of a descent into the river (hallowed by the association of Lord Parasurama); tathaa = as well as; vaalukiniim nadiim = the rivers VAlukini; varuuthiim = Varuthini; gomatiim chaiva = and Gomati; tathaa = and; bhiimam = the formidable; shaalavanam = forest of Sala trees; bahusaahasriiH = and many thousands; prajaashcha = of people; sphiitaan = and numerous; janapadaanapi = communities. Hanuma saw, on the way, Ramatirtha, a place of descent into the river (hallowed by the association of Lord Parashurama), as well as the rivers Valukini, Varuthini and Gomati as also the formidable forest of Sala trees, many thousands of people and numerous communities. Verse Locator sa gatvA dUramadhvAnaM tvaritaH kapiku~njaraH || 6-125-27 AsasAda drumAnphullAnnandigrAmasamIpajAn | suraadhipasyopavane yathaa chaitrarathe drumaan || 6-125-28 striibhiH saputrairvR^iddhaishcha ramamaaNaiH svalaMkR^itaiH | 27-28. gatvaa = going; tvaritaH = quickly; duuram adhvaanam = for a long distance; saH kapishreShTaH = that foremost of the monkeys; aasasaada = reached; phullaan drumaan = the trees in flowering; nandigraama samiipaan = near Nandigrama; suraadhipasya upavane chaitrarathe drumaan yathaa = and looking like those comprised in the garden of Indra the lord of celestials and comprised in the garden of Indra the lord of celestials and the garden of Kubera (known by the name Chaitraratha); ramamaaNaiH = and frequented; striibhiH = by women; saputraiH = along with their sons; vR^iddhaishcha = and elders; svalamkR^itaiH = charmingly adorned. Going quickly for a long distance, that foremost of the monkeys reached trees in flowering, near Nandigrama and looking like those comprised in the garden of Kubera (known by the name, Chitraratha) and frequented by women along with their sons and elders, charmingly adorned as they were. Verse Locator
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 05:52:34 +0000

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