(based on 2 Kings 19 and Psalms 46,80 & 135) The account of 2 - TopicsExpress


(based on 2 Kings 19 and Psalms 46,80 & 135) The account of 2 Kings 19 covers almost exactly Isaiah 37 and it overlaps 2 Chronicles 32. It affirms again that Hezekiahs prayer was an act of trust; it indicated who he trusted by humbly calling upon the Lord ...now therefore O Lord our God, I pray, save us from his hand... (2 Ki.19:19). So Senacherib never conquers Jerusalem and doesnt live much longer either after that (2 Ki.19:37). The three Psalms that are a part of the reading do not specifically mention Assyria but there is the sense in each of these Psalms of the exaltation of victory. For example: ...God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her just at the break of dawn...the nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted... (Ps.46:4-6); the next Psalm in the reading seems to be a kind of extension of the prayer of king Hezekiah for it says ...let your hand be upon the man of your right hand, upon the son of man whom you made strong for yourself. Then we will not turn back from you; revive us and we will call upon your name... (Ps.80:17-18); and then there is a song of praise with the strong covenant allusions which is the kind of thing the Levites would sing in victory - at any time - ...the idols of the nations are silver and gold...those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them... (Ps.135:15-18). Some of the verses here are favourites among believers - ...God is our refuge and strength... (Ps.46:1); ...there is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God... (Ps.46:4); and of course, ...be still and know that I am God... (Ps.46:10); the phrase ...cause your face to shine upon us... (Ps.80:3,7,19) is reminiscent of the benediction of Aaron (Num.6:25); and the simple call to the people of God ...praise the Lord... (Ps.135:1) that crowns this song to the Lord is the one that begins every prayer of the people of God even today - Baruch atah Adonai. The people of God have had a very near thing and yet we know they will not survive the next waves of attack. Yet God did not and would not forget His covenant with His people; while they would go into exile and it would be bitter indeed, yet a people would come forth from that troubling and they would be evidence that God would ...judge His people and ...have compassion on His servants... (Ps.135:14). I would remind you again that the Lord takes the long view with us. His promise is that He will bring us through; He will complete the work He has begun. But the work He does, based as it is on the revelation lifestyle is the work of a lifetime. Therefore do not be in a hurry to be mature. Let God do His work; let Him do more and more in you. And, if you fail Him, return to Him. Let it be as simple as that!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 20:55:29 +0000

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