Oh good gods. This is not - TopicsExpress

   Oh good gods. This is not an extra payment, it is money that the UK has paid less in the past, at the expense of other EU members, because the calculated projections were incomplete. If the the UK weasels out of it the way they did it should become a blueprint for anyone that HRMC demands back taxes from. And should we at this point once again talk about the British rebate, worth almost 4 billion € a year? To sum up the idiocy of the uproar by British officials: EU officials say it is a technical not a political decision, and it has been worked out under rules agreed by all member states. It is a very large increase in tax on the British people charged retrospectively without their agreement, [Conservative backbencher John Redwood] told Radio 4s Today programme. So yeah...we didnt agree to it, but actually we did. Grand. And: Now to be absolutely clear, none of this is a surprise to the Treasury or chancellor. British officials have known for some time that the inflammatory demand from Brussels was coming. This is totally unexpected! Sure. And: The president of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite has defended the process. Each year we have a final revision of the budget, because the payments are based on a prognosis, she said. So at the end of the year the [European] Commission revises, and some countries have to pay back. What, this is a regular process? No way!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:51:03 +0000

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