On Sunday, the white - TopicsExpress

   On Sunday, the white clapperboard Foothills Community Church gleams in the bright winter sunshine under a big, blue prairie sky as families arrive in pick-up trucks for the morning service. It is the Sunday before Thanksgiving and the pastor Brian Carpenter - a huge, bearded man in a grey T-shirt and slacks - welcomes me with a hug and invites me for lunch. Smoked beef brisket. You wont get that back in Britain, says Brian. He talks of his fondness for the BBC - he listens on the internet - as he strides around his cosy little church, taking his place at the lectern. Ty Linger from Heifers For South Dakota is invited up to the front and there are quiet tears as he is presented with a donation from the Foothills Church. The congregation sings Count Your Blessings, and Brians sermon has a Thanksgiving theme. Be thankful in all circumstances, even when times are tough, he urges. Outside he shakes my hand, saying quietly that South Dakotas ranchers have God to thank for their survival after the storm - not the government.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 20:08:17 +0000

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