beamsbibles Talk With GOD! ‘The Wells of Salvation’ 27th - TopicsExpress


beamsbibles Talk With GOD! ‘The Wells of Salvation’ 27th Day – 3rd Day Isaiah 12:3, ‘3Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.’ We are back and our reading over the days we were ‘off line’ completed the Book of Solomon in Chapters 6-8 and Chapters 1-25 in Isaiah. The verse I picked for our Devotion is Isaiah 12:3, specifically the word picture of ‘The Wells of Salvation’. One of the ‘requirements’ of this human body to survive is water. As a young teen growing up in a ‘military family’ I took a survival course as a part of a Boy Scout program and we experienced a time without water. While we were nowhere near dying of thirst, we thought we were! Without water this human body will die. Without the Water of Salvation mankind will die Spiritually and be Eternally separated from GOD. Consider these thoughts… ‘We Thirst!’ Everyone reading this has experienced thirst. It is a need that ‘gets our attention’ and we immediately seek out water to quench our thirst. Everyone needs Salvation and GOD will ‘prick the heart’ of this need. I have stood in the doorway of people’s homes in our city going door to door many times and after sharing the Gospel with them, have them tell me, ‘yes, I have thought about that.’ I would like to tell you that each time this happened the person received CHRIST as Savior, but sadly that is not the case. But, all of mankind will thirst for CHRIST until they receive HIM. ‘We Draw!’ The picture is of drawing water out of a well. Growing up in the 1940’s we always had ‘running water’ in our house, but many of our relatives living on farms drew their water from wells. It required effort; more effort than merely going to a sink and turning on the faucet. Often the well was a distance from the house and you had to take a bucket, walk to the well, and let the bucket down and then lift it up out of the well and walk back to the house with the now heavy bucket. At one of our relative’s house, they had a large barrel in the kitchen with a ‘spigot’ making it easier, but when we visited, it was my job to go draw buckets of water to fill the barrel. To meet our Savior takes effort on our part. We must take the first step! ‘We Receive!’ Back during my survival course we had to find water on an island off the shore of Florida. We could see the Florida coast from the island and our leaders were on a boat off shore, but the purpose of the overnight stay was to ‘survive’ off the land. Water was hidden on the island; we just had to find it. It took several hours and when we did find the water and it came my turn to drink, I gladly received the cup handed to me. CHRIST will not force HIMself upon us; we must gladly receive HIM as Savior! Are you ‘thirsty’ this morning for our Savior? Do you know HIM? When you receive CHRIST, you also receive ‘Joy’ of Salvation, knowing you have Eternal Life with HIM!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:12:47 +0000

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