been up since 5:55...had some time to reflect a bit. realizing - TopicsExpress


been up since 5:55...had some time to reflect a bit. realizing that i have a lot to be thankful for. these thoughts came to mind: 1. neha- she has brought more happiness to me than i ever knew could have existed. in only 17 months of knowing her she has changed my whole outlook and makes me strive to be a better man...i honestly cannot remember nor imagine my life w/o her in it. ive said this before and will continue to say it for the rest of my life...she is the last thing i think about before going to sleep and the first thing i think about when i wake up. 2. circuit of suns- when i 1st met mike d a few yrs back, i thought his band was killer but what really caught me was his character...i never thought a year or 2 later id be making the best music i personally ever made with the dude. we have a connection not only as musicians, but as friends/brothers too. i have a hard time instantly connecting with people usually and in the past i only felt that with people that were my either family or that i had known a very long time. bringing mo aboard solidified what i feel is now our destiny. mo is another person who i had an instant connection with when i fist met him in 2008. after being in we are the romans together i knew id eventually have to make music with this guy again in the future...fortunately for us, our fates intertwined once more and we got that chance. im thankful to have him in my life regularly again. 3. my friends/family- too many to list. we may not talk or see each other every day, but you know i got your back.. and i know you got mine. theres nothing else needed to say. i love you and thank you for being in my life. 4. life in general- thankful to be granted another day breathing. we all take advantage of this. ive been given some opportunities that i intend to take full advantage of and am thankful everyday for the chances to better myself and also help others. im learning to forgive those who have wronged me in the past and moving towards a better place in my life where i can achieve all my goals. i still get carded at the bar(that may not be a big deal to you young folk but it will be one day) and look like i could have graduated HS last week, im for the most part healthy, and i am improving on drums more and more everyday as well. guess you could say that im happy :) didnt intend this to be some corny status but this is what FB is for...right? have a nice day everyone :) enjoy life.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:51:03 +0000

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