before new year, please let me to share this information.. i - TopicsExpress


before new year, please let me to share this information.. i actually dont like to publish something like this..but mark cheong force me to post this, and after have some conversation with my singaporean friend, many got the same experience with me, you can see the screenshoot i post.. please be careful to this guy mark cheong august 2014 , he contact me by whatsapp and said that he is admin of singapore fish group in facebook, at the first i tought he is quite nice guy, because he treat me dinner in singapore and said that he can help me to sell the fish in singapore, then now i realize thats the most expensive dinner i have to pay... Mark Cheong is the fish seller that open shop in Plot 39, 80 Sungei Tengah Road 65 9105 1698 https://facebook/DesireFishAquaMart?ref=br_tf at the first,to start our partnership, i put one unique senegalus slayer to his shop so he can sell and we split profit, i quote him 50 SGD, but after one week , he said my fish too expensive, he cannot sell, so i said , its okay, so i give the fish to you as gift for our friendship.. i only give one pcs to him, but he come to my partner place in lim chu kang and take other 3 pcs of senegalus slayer in my partner place, he said to my partner all already given as a gift to him, but i didnt, actually i am quite angry when i heard that he can sell that fish expensive 300 sgd each after said that i quote 50 sgd is too expensive.. but this case is okay for me.. i can just let it go.. but the problem start on september 2014 ,after success take all my senegalus slayer in my partner place, few days later Mark Cheong without my permission take my spatula platinum gar from my partner place in lim chu kang , my partner let him take the fish, because mark said he take the fish with my permission but he never ask for permission from me.. when i know that, i contact him and he said sorry, he explained that he want to put the fish in his shop, so he can try to sell , after he sell the fish, he will give the money to me.. he beg me because said now he is on big debt, no money, his name on AVA Black List, and accused for Money loundering.. after heard such a sad story of his life, so i decide to support him by let him put the fish in his shop.. after one month, he still has not success to sell that fish, so i decide to sell the fish myself by facebook, but i still want to help him, as i stay in jakarta so i ask him to deliver the fish to my customer in malaysia (johor bahru).. i sell to my customer 2100 SGD, i told him i will pay him 200 SGD for petrol fee, and 200 SGD for commision, so he only have to pay back 1700 SGD. i think its quite good commision.. then he delivered the fish, my happy customer pass him 2100 SGD. . the problem really start when i ask mark cheong to pass back the money and he always got a reason to avoid.. 1. i ask him to transfer the money , he said he has no bank account (he said his account get freezed because of money loundering case) 2. next day i ask him his address, so i can ask my friend to come and collect the payment to his house, he never give his address, only said he is not in singapore.. he is currently in malaysia 3. i told him i got friend in malaysia, let my friend meet you in malaysia, but he said he is super busy , cannot meet people in malaysia. 4. i said that i can ask someone come to his shop, he said he sold the shop already to his friend.. 5. he ask me to come singapore on 7 october 2014 and collect the money , 7 october i come to singapore, i call him he said he will update me at the night, but no news, only at 22.00 if finally success to call him, but he said he is super busy on military camp so cannot meet me, i ask him , where he is so i can come to his place, he said he is on duty at ang mo quee military camp.. i come to that camp,when i reached, he said now he is not there anymore, he has service at lim chu kang.. thats on 24.00 , i ask the guard on ang mo quee, and the guard said there are no such things as mark cheong said, no duty for country at that late.. i angry to him, because i feel that he played me, but he scolded me back just because i keep calling him while he dont answer my phone.. he said i am disturb him , but actually if he answered my call, i definitely wont keep calling him again and again.. because i already come very far to singapore to collect the payment and suddenly i cannot contact him.. 5. then next morning on 8 october, i already have return to jakarta.. i text him, i already have return to jakarta, when i can collect my money? he said contact him on 24 october, if he is in good mood , he will pass back my money.. i dont disturb him for 2 weeks, and on 24 october, he still refuse to pay me.. i really angry to him, but i still keep begging the money to him, but the more i beg him my right, the more he played me.. the more he said harsh word to me.. so now i decide to let it go, money i can find again, thats not big money either.. but i really hate the way he treat me.. i can forgive him for myself, but i wont forget the way mark cheong tricked me.. and when i discuss this problem with some of my friend in singapore,i find many facts that he is very very dishonest person.. you can see on the screenshoot i attach.. he is famous with his bad character as he try to deceive many people, even he got a lot of debt with many people.. i should stay away from him since he said that he is on AVA Black List, and also accused money loundering,thats my mistake to trust criminal like him.. i share this story so everyone can learn from my mistake.. and please be careful with MARK CHEONG! better if you dont do any business with him.. really sorry if my post disturb you guys, hereby i declare all the words that i have written in this post base on the reality and real event so maybe you guys can learn from my mistake.. thank you so much..
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:26:16 +0000

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