bertsbasket of memories . because fathers day is coming soon I - TopicsExpress


bertsbasket of memories . because fathers day is coming soon I wanted to write a few stories about fathers and today story its about rons dad who I never knew except by what others have told me .( William marvin waldo )rons dad was a Christian man , family man and a very hard working man . . he loved books taught his children to love books he wrote letters too. the other day one of rons cousin sent ron a letter from 1938 in that letter mr waldo told of being in California and catching a 50 pound salmon . and the waldos believed in good food he mr waldo had a cow for milk a garden and pigs also he raised chickens every year 50 chickens butchered to pay the dr it was called barter you trade for services .the father of the waldio family mr marvin waldo held services in his home every siunday the church he attended was the ones where material things were not the first thing in your life they drank coffee but never had a tv never went to movies and ron was 16 before he ever saw a movie .. ron said it was a good life his dad was the kindest most generous person he was a good man .I see why ron has the kindness its handed down in his genes . mr waldo had many jobs in the war he worked at a dairy and it was considerd a very important job . then in later years he worked at greyhound station as a porter in Portland ron said it was hard with so many heavy suitcases and also rude people traveling . so mr marvin always was a worker he had his faith always front most to show others . in his real younger days he lived in calf near where the trinity river and dam is today he panned for gold there . but I never knew him the father waldo he had a stoke in his older years and had to go to a rehab home. but ron went every sunday brought his dad home for church services at the family home . ron said his dad told him when he had the stroke it was like a dark cloud came over him .. mr marvin waldo finally lost his voice because of the stroke. but until his death he had his faith always in jesus Christ. . I wanted to honor mr William marvin waldo this week in my fathers day stories a gentle man ,good kind, and also rons father .I know the family misses him so much.. postscript ron said the angriest he ever saw his father was when he ron got into little trouble and a man came up the road where they lived to tell mr waldo and to tell him what to do with his son . ron said his dad he had never seen so angry at anyone but he told the man that day I will raise my sons you can leave now . . ron waldo never forgot how his dad took up for him . William marvin waldo raised 4 sons ron ,jimmy howard ,Wilbur, a daughter joy .. a family to be proud of I wanted to honor him in my basket of memories. William marvin waldo (MARV) written 5 /9 / 2014 .
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 16:09:14 +0000

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