biblegateway/passage/?search=Joel%202&version=NKJV I just want - TopicsExpress


biblegateway/passage/?search=Joel%202&version=NKJV I just want to share some thoughts about God giving people dreams and how the government spys on us. Ok, weve all heard about the latter rain and how the scriptures say that in the last days God will pour out His spirit and all kinds of people will have dreams and visions. Well, heres a question: what is the governments number one purpose for spying on all of us and tracking of every word? Now please take a minute of distraction free time to think about this because its deep: their number one agenda is to identify and silence a prophet, should one arise. ....this is why God said he would pour out His spirit all over the world on all kinds of people. Think about it... Ok, so heres another question: have you ever asked God to speak to you in a dream or vision. Well, if you havent, I recommend it. Its not crazy. I guess the real question is: why wouldnt you. Wouldnt it be crazy not to? Ask God questions, ask him to teach you, ask him to show you the things that you cannot see. Ask him for wisdom, wouldnt it be crazy and naive not to want to learn from the one who created all this, and the only one who knows the future? Ive had dreams where God showed me things symbolically, like the dreams he gave to Joseph, pharaoh, the butler, the baker, Nebuchadnezzar... in scripture and in my experiences Ive found that he usually doesnt speak directly, but through symbols, pictures, or parables. Sometimes he didnt give me the understanding right away but other times he did. He uses symbols that youre familiar with, like in one of my dreams he showed me a welfare whore who was in the physicians waiting room because there was a custody issue and the physician was examining the children to determine if custody should be removed. The mother didnt care about her children except what the children could bring to her, money and a victim to dominate. This is an accurate picture of the church. This picture spoke more than ten thousand words could. It gave depth more than words could. This woman only multiplied children to get more welfare money, God showed me the churchs heart. God is real people, and he does some crazy sh##. He told Ezekiel to eat poop cakes (chapter 4). He said that Israels righteousness was like a menstrual cloth ( in Isaiah). He told prophets to marry whores cause it was a symbol of Israel. So, why dont we ask God questions about all this crazy sh##. And please remember this, that the people who he spoke to were real people, flawed children. In James 5 it says that Elijah was a man of like passions as we are, yet he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. God speaks to regular people, real people, not fake ass churhfolk. Noah was drunk passed out in his tent naked. Maybe thats why no-one would listen to him? Maybe they expected a prophet to be all bright and shiny kind of perfect. All Im saying is that God knows your heart, and dont think for one minute that he doesnt want to speak to you. Please, take time to think deeply on these things, dont take this post lightly. And if you reject the things that Ive shared, you may be rejecting the creator, if indeed the creator showed me these perspectives. Please comment and share even if its a negative comment, my ears are open. And please re-read this post, its the only way you could really digest it, and pick up on all the branches of thought that it will lead you to.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 23:59:23 +0000

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