biggest pet peeve...when people say there are NO jobs out there. - TopicsExpress


biggest pet peeve...when people say there are NO jobs out there. You know what...there are work opportunities everywhere. Youre just not trying hard enough. No, putting in applications EVERYWHERE does not count. How about you put in applications, call everyday until you annoy the heck out of them, show up in person, also. Network with people...dont just depend on friends only. Walk around the town...gas money too much? then WALK or even better... .50 gets you a trolley ride pretty much anywhere in Gadsden...and ask a friend to take you to rbc or even attalla...not your little drug buddy friend or dealer or the people who talk crap about you because most likely theyre going to make up some excuse to not take you anywhere. Dont blame your piercings or tattoos, either. There are ways to cover them up or even camoflauge them into your me...i do this almost everyday or i have prior...big 1 gauged ear holes and chest and hand and leg...theyre covered for any interview or work day. Dont like minimum wage or working the food biz...then you must not like money, or going out with friends, or supporting your family or even yourself. GET OVER THE FACT YOU MAY BE 21-25 AND MAY HAVE TO WORK FAST FOOD. That does NOT make you a low life of any sort just because look at yourself and then look at the people making $7.25/hr...whats the diff...theyre busting their butts to make money and youre sitting behind a screen complaining about how there are no jobs, and you are broke, and have nothing to do. Dont be picky about places. Chances are theyre doing way better than you since they have money to spend on bills, family, friend, activities...and youre just complaining. Dont blame a school schedule either. Ive seen some of the hardest working students that are A or AB students with a FULL courseload (as well as being a mom, dad, wife, husband, full time worker, parttime, single, married, divorced, etc) even work a few hours a week to to help bring in something like gas money, school money, child money, etc. Im not going to refer myself or my will power i had to have to get jobs, just because i know not everyone is like me or like each other or alike in general...but there is alot more in TRYING...and like actually hands on trying than just filling out applications and sitting there waiting on something to be handed to you. Also, if youre complaining about no where hiring and then you turn around and say i cant work there...or there...or there, there, there, there...because i have no one to watch my kid... then most just cant work, so still dont have the need to say there are no jobs out there, because obviously you just cant work anywhere. This is not intended to any of my personal friends (esp if you ask me wheres hiring and i straight tell you where and what to do, and you actually do it...then youre really trying :] ) but this is more for anyone...dude...ill help anyone get a job. I used to help do this for people back in 2009. I had to rant though, just because of some stupid kid that said theres no jobs anywhere Get off your trashy, stained jorts, go out somewhere, and LOOK.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:16:21 +0000

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