bil is in ALOT of pain they were just in here and took off the - TopicsExpress


bil is in ALOT of pain they were just in here and took off the clap on his leg(groin area) they went throu both legs and froze the part that was giving him all the trouble dr says he thinks he will do good from now on they r givin him morph shots every hr and valuim every 4hrs Man he is really hateful but again if i had just went throu what he did i would be hateful also but i still can knock him in the head (just kidding ) or am i as javen would say sometime i wanted to let everyone that r praying for bill/us Thank you and please keep it up if u r willing Thanks and Love all of u guys God blessed Him today and me also i want to thank every one of his family that was w/ me today and a Big Thank You to Mark Hanna (i knew he woud be here ) and Mitch Webb of StateElectric supply co. for taking time out of ur work day to come and ck on him when he came to himself he started askin did i call this 1 and that 1 . did i call his buddy so on so so i had to go throu a list of buddys to update and they say women yack alot ... Really come on .. he is resting now so ill finish this update and move on but im just so happy with the out come of Bills surgery and all that cared what happened to him i just cant shut up typing
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 23:56:24 +0000

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